The 3 best decks in Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra, Riot Game‘s card game from the League of Legends universe, open beta has launched and we already got plenty of information and data from hundreds of closed-beta streamers who gave us a great overview over the current meta.
We have gathered the 3 strongest Legends of Runeterra deck archetype from the last beta meta and provide you with deck lists so you can test those best decks yourselves.

Legends of Runeterra is a free-to-play strategy card game in the universe of League of Legends.
Heimerdinger Control
A very straight-forward deck that focuses on leveling-up your champions and keeping the board clear at all times with your spells.
While low-cost spells like Thermogenic Beam, Vile Feast, Mystic Shock and Statikk Shock will help you in your early game, cards like Corina Veraza, Vengeance, Trueshot Barrier and Withering Wail will come in handy during the late-game. The core function of this deck is getting more value out of your spell casts and that’s what your champions are for. Heimerdinger creates free turret cards for you whenever a spell is cast while Ezreal is an endless supply of Mystic Shock thanks to being Elusive. Once Ezreal is leveled-up your winning option is to just keep casting spells and beating down your opponent with direct damage.
Wanna check out the deck yourself? Just use our import code in the game:
Heimerdinger Control - Import Code
Challenger Fiora
This mainly focuses on Fiora’s alternative win condition and combines Challenger and Barrier to remove enemy creatures and protect your own. The deck can also win through normal combat but the best way is to utilize Fiora‘s Challenger ability. Especially against decks that try to swarm smaller followers this deck is a nightmare matchup.
Low-Cost cards like Ki Guardian, Prismatic Barrier, Riposte, Brithsteel Protector and Shen keep your Fiora alive, while cards like Single Combat and Judgment can help you win the game in a single turn no matter how far you already fell behind.
Wanna check out the deck yourself? Just use our import code in the game:
Challenger Fiora - Import Code
Freljord Weather Control
This deck combines the amazing removal from Shadow Isles like Vile Feast, Withering Wail, Grasp of the Undyin, Ruination and Vengeance with the late game threats (She Who Wanders) and ramp from Freljord (Wyrding Stones, Catalyst of Aeons) to create a slow and grindy control deck. In the late game you drop Anivia or Tryndamere with Ruination on the following turn to create a one sided board wipe, since both champions are able to revive after being destroyed.
There is a famous variant of this deck, that is very popular when facing slower matchups. The inclusion of Warmother’s Call in your deck allows you to get multiple Tryndamere‘s on the board at a time to close out the game against similar control decks.
Wanna check out the deck yourself? Just use our import code in the game:
Freljord Weather Control - Import Code
Download Legends of Runeterra
Public Beta is open from 24th of January, 7pm GMT.