Chapter 2 Guide – Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
>>>Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore Guides

In Chapter 2 – Head Over Heels for Her of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore for Nintendo Switch you will fight with four party members in Illusory Shibuya. This guide helps you get 100%.
Chapter 2 Guide
You start in the Hee-Ho Mart in Shibuya and unlock the Dark Argyle costume for Itsuki and the Urban Wild costume for Touma. Go to Uzume lesson studio where you get Yashiro’s Ticket.
Fortuna HQ
Talk to Maiko in the Fortuna HQ and you will find out what Tsubasa’s next job is.
Daitama Observatory
You will see a scene with the guy you rescued from Illusory 106 and find out that the photo shoot with Horinozawa is already over so go to Shibuya.
Fortuna HQ
Mamorin will interrupt your small scene with Tsubasa and tell you that there is an emergency in Shibuya. Go to Shibuya to see Maiko vanish and Horinozawa enter the new Illusory Shibuya.
Illusory Shibuya
Block 1

In Illusory Shibuya cameras will teleport you to the beginning of the dungeon if they see you. Kiria’s Lightoma will show you where not to go!

Jump down on the left side to reach a chest with (1) Light Ball x3. Run into the camera (A) to be teleported to the beginning. This time take the stairs on the right, go around the camera and at the intersection take the (B) bottom right stairs first.

Pick up both chests with (2) Patra Stone x5 and (3) Chakra Drop x2. Go back and take the stairs on the bottom left and jump down at (C) go north and prepare for a suprise attack right before the exit of Block 1 of Illusory Shibuya.
Poker Face – Kiria’s Side Quest
You can unlock Kiria’s Special Performance Deep Chill with her first Carnage Unity.
Block 2

Activate the teleport and jump down on the left side to (D). If you have a Treasure Key open the locked chest with a (4) Chakra Pot. Go around the camera and up the stairs to find a chest with (5) Dis-Charm x2. Go to (E) and break the shiny wall to unlock a shortcut. Ignore the shortcut and go north.

Jump down and make your way to chest with (6) Bead x2. Go around the cameras and get the chest behind the second camera with (7) Nightlife Flicker. Go to (F) and break the shiny wall to unlock another shortcut. Take the stairs on the right to reach a locked chest with (8) Roaring Ear Plugs. Continue up and you will have 3 choices to jump down. Take the right one to get a chest with (9) 10,000 Yen run into the (G) camera and use the shortcuts. Jump down the left one to (H) and go north and some stairs up to a chest with (10) Balm of Life. Go south to a chest with (11) Res Incense and leave at (I).

Go through the door at (J) and you will fight a Tarnished Myrmidon, a Dark Shaman and 3 Dark Archers. You shouldn’t use Tsubasa for this fight since every Dark Archer can instantly kill her. Use Kiria’s Lullaby Song to put most of the enemies to sleep. Attack the Dark Archers with lance attacks and Zio and the Tarnished Myrmidon with lance attacks and Bufu.
Block 3

Activate the teleport and drop down to reach a chest with (12) Clap Track. Run into the camera to return to the beginning of Block 3 and activate the (K) switch on the right side that unfolds blue pictures. Go over the newly opened path past the 2 cameras and up the stairs. Walk past the camera to find a chest with (13) Sleeping Sand x3. Follow the path to (L).

Turn right and go down the stairs to a chest with Nightlife Glitz behind a camera. Go up the stairs and activate the (M) switch which will unfold red pictures. Go upstairs again to a chest with Smoke Machine x2 and jump down.

Go to the (N) shiny wall and break it to unlock a shortcut. Take the shortcut and cross over the red unfolded photo to jump down to two chests with a (16) Treasure Key and another (17) Treasure Key. Run into the camera to be teleported to the beginning.

Use the shortcut and take the bottom left stairs to return to the clown mirage and a now accessible locked chest with (18) Bead Chain. Go back to the shortcut and take the top stairs over the unfolded red photo and to a chest with (19) Revival Bead x2 behind a camera. Go to chest the chest with (20) Amrita Soda x4 and take the south exit.

Get the chest with (21) Soma Droplet x2 and go around the last cameras in Illusory Shibuya to activate the teleport. Go through the door and after some scenes you will be outside Illusory Shibuya.
Shibuya & Fortuna HQ
After another scene outside Illusory Shibuya head back to Fortuna HQ to meet Hatanaka who mentions a photo album of Maiko. You can find My Complex in the shelf near Maiko’s desk. Check it to receive “Maiko’s Photo Book” and get Tsubasa’s As You See Me Performa. Create Tsubasa’s Feel My Soul Radiant Unity in the Bloom Palace and buy Dis-Seal from the Hee-Ho Mart before returning to the boss area in Illusory Shibuya.
Boss Fight Gangrel
Gangrel will summon a Bulwark Myrmidon which is weak against Lightning and lance attacks and 3 Bulwark Barbarian which are weak against Wind, Ice, Poison and sword attacks. Gangrel is weak against Ice and lance attacks. Using Kiria might be tempting but she instantly dies if a Bulwark Barbarian attacks her so use Itsuki, Tsubasa and Touma. Buff your defense with Rakukaja and your evade with Sukukaja and use Mazio and Mazian to clear the field. Once Gangrel is alone he will use Strobe Light which will seal Itsuki’s and Touma’s abilities, use the Dis-Seal from the Hee-Ho Mart. Attack him with Itsuki’s Fang Breaker to lower his offense and Touma’s Hamstring to lower his hit chance.