Chapter 3 – Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
>>>Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore Guides
After many scenes try to go to the Bloom Palace. You will be interrupted by Yashiro who challenges you to a fight. You can’t win this fight.
After the fight against Yashiro Ellie will join you and Daitou TV Station will be accessible in Tokyo. Buy the best accessories from Carabia Jewelry in Shibuya.
Go to Daitou TV Station to find the next dungeon: Illusory Daitou TV.
Illusory Daitou TV
Enemies Film Set A
Walkthrough Film Set A
Film Set A 1F

Follow the only path you can go ignoring the exclamation marks until you can go inside. Inside you will find a Red Mage Mirage which wants you to light all 4 lanterns. Take the door to the north and light the lantern at the exclamation mark and open the chest with (1) Mazan Stone x2. Return to the room with the Red Mage Mirage and take the eastern door and light the lantern open chests (2) Smoke Machine x2, (3) Bead Chain and (4) Treasure Key and break the shiny wall to unlock a shortcut. Light the 3rd lantern in the south and last lantern in the west and open chest (5) Garden Artistry Performa. Return to the Red Mage Mirage and it will remove the wall to the south revealing stairs to the upper floor.
Film Set A 2F

Go north and turn right into a dead end with a chest that has (1) Bead x2. Continue North and you will meet the Red Mage Mirage which wants you to talk to a mirage in the north. Activate the teleporter nearby and open the locked chest with (2) Skl Incense. Go through the door in the north and talk to the Mirage which will give you Light Essence x2. Check the room nearby and light one additional lantern so 2 lanterns are lit.
Return to the Red Mage Mirage in the middle and take the eastern door. Remove a Light Essence from a lantern so 2 lanterns are lit. Take the south door from the middle and remove a Light Essence from a lantern so 1 lantern is lit and make your way to the western room. Turn on all 3 lanterns and you will see a scene that you are finished with the task. Return to the Red Mage Mirage in the middle and it will reveal another door. Prepare for a tough battle so build new Carnages (Eleonora’s first Carnage will give you her Special Performance Final Hour), get all available Radiant Unities and buy the best accessories.
Not a Girl – Kiria’s Side Story
Opening Your Heart – Tsubasa’s Side Story
Teleport back and go through the new door. Get the chest with (3) Amrita Soda x2 and take the stairs down.
Film Set A 1F

Chaos Pegasus Knight comes with 2 Red Barbarians which are weak against ice and sword attacks and 2 Red Mages which are weak against sword, lance, fire attacks. Chaos Pegasus Knight itself is weak against bow, lightning and wind attacks. Try to lower Chaos Pegasus Knight’s attack and buff your defense. After awhile he calls 1 Red Mage and 2 Bulwark Pegasus Knight which are weak against wind, lightning and bow attacks.
Enemies Film Set B
Walkthrough Film Set B
Film Set B 1F
After you have done the request enter the room with the teleporter to find out that you need to learn the lyrics to an anime song Barry watches. So go back to the Uzume Lesson Studio in Shibuya. Kiria will get her To Iroha from Me! Performa so go back to the Bloom Palace and do the Rainbow Vocals Radiant Unity. Return to the Red Mage and after a scene the path will open. Talk to the Red Mage who will give you Fixed Script x3 and a new task. You only have 5 minutes to find all 3 Mirages or you have to redo the task. Activate Estoma and Slowma and run to the Mirages (C) (D) and (E) and return to the Red Mage Mirage to open the path to the boss.

Boss Fight Cursed Draug
Cursed Draug comes with a lot of Adds which you shouldn’t focus on. Cursed Draug will cast Bodyguard and protect all Adds from single target attacks. Cursed Draug is weak against sword attacks. So concentrate on reducing damage from the Adds with boosting your evade and defense and putting them to sleep with Lullaby Song.
>>>Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore Guides