Meet-and-Greet Pressure – Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore
>>>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore Guides
Meet-and-Greet Pressure is Tsubasa’s first side quest in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore for Nintendo Switch. You have to finish Chapter 2 and have at least Stage Rank 5 with her.
Meet-and-Greet Pressure Guide

Talk to Tsubasa in front of Cafe Seiren in Shibuya. She will tell you that she has anxiety meeting so many people in planned meet-and-greet. Your answers don’t affect the outcome of the side story.

Talk to her at Shibuya Station and you will see some scenes. Once she gets her Hand’s Warmth Performa go to the Bloom Palace and create the Door of Connection Radiant Unity.
Tsubasa will earn the title Madcap Idol and unlock her Special Performance Debut Smile.