Revelio Pages – Hogwarts Legacy
Hogsmeade Revelio Pages
The Three Broomsticks

Ceridwen’s Precarious Cauldrons

Gladrags Mannequin

Gladrags Wizardwear


J. Pippin’s Potions

Hengist of Woodcroft

Magical Mail

Scrivenshaft Cats

Tea Shop Decor

Water Well

Zonko’s Joke Shop
Hogwarts Revelio Pages
Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy

Astronomy Telescope

Goblin Artefact

Three Sisters Bells

Scorch Marks

Frog Choir

History of Magic Windows

Wooden Cat

Arithmancy Classroom

Central Hall Fountain

The Well of four Beasts

Augurey Skeleton

Professor Sharp’s Auror Badge

Map of Argyllshire
Lachlan the Lanky
Centaur Armour

Troll Armour

Trophy Room

The Hogwarts Architect

The Great Hall Ceiling

House Point Hourglasses

Owl Lectern
Greenhouse Tree

Dirgible Plums

Statue of Gregory the Smarmy

Enchanted Books

Ravenclaw Bust

Kelpie Statue

Wyvern Fountain