Best answers for all social links in Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

Persona 3 Reload Social Link

Classmate Kenji Tomochika Magician Social Link

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Can you, like, just waltz on into Takeba-san’s room and stuff?That’s a secret or No way
I’m more into older women. How ’bout you?I like them all or I’m into older women, too.

By the way, are you picky about your food?I’m pretty picky. or I refuse to eat certain things.

Maaan… I’m so sick of this, dude.What, of life?
Okay, that settles it. I’m gonna get myself a girlfriend! Right now!Good luck

Hey, thanks for coming, man. You mind waiting here for a sec?no increase
I’m gonna go ask Ms. Kanou out! Like, right now!Good Luck!

D-Don’t laugh, okay…? But, uh, I wanted to know if, um… if you’ve ever kissed a girl before…Yeah, tons of times.

Yeah, good-looking people just flock together, y’know? It’s like a law of attraction.Okay…

Sorry, man, but I’ve gotta pass this increase
I mean, getting into college is pretty important, don’t ya think? You think about the future too, right?I’ve got plans already.

I can’t eat…What happened?
I saw a magazine in Emiri’s room. Guess what it was called.Bride-to-Be?
You think that’s a good plan?Congrats

H-Hey, man. Sorry to make you come here. I um… Ah, damn it…Are you in trouble?
And now she’s being transferred to a school in Kyushu. What do I do?You should go with her. or You two should talk it out.

I was so excited about going with her that I… I…Let me handle this!

Ms. Kanou must be in Kyushu by now. I wonder if she had her wedding already.……
Man, it’s alway a blast hanging out with you. That said… I still want a girlfriend!You’ve got this! or Want me to find you a girl?
What I did figure out is… you’re a true increase

Track Team Kazushi Miyamoto Chariot Social Link

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

M-My side is killing me… I might’ve overdone it a bit.Toughen up!
You don’t even look tired… Uh, what kind of training regimen do you have?no increase
Let’s get go- Argh!no increase

It’s just, um… my anemia’s acting up.Are you going to be okay?
I tried medicine, I tried wrapping it, but the pain won’t stop.Will it heal?

I’m trying to cut carbs.You prefer bread? or Are you on a diet?

Wh-What’s up? I was just gonna sneak back into increase
She made the appointment without telling me, so there was nothing I could do!That really sucks.

Man… I keep running into you at the weirdest times.Back from the hospital?
You gotta be kidding… Why can’t I… stand up!?Take my shoulder!

I want to win, so I have to practice.Show me guts, man
I promised I’d win at next year’s meet and become the number one athlete in JapanWhy go so far?
That’s why I have to win this meet – so I can make it to nationals!What about your knee?

I know you didn’t say anything. I just think he can tell something’s up.How’s your knee?
Otherwise, I won’t be able to keep my promise to my nephew!You have to get tougher!

You must know what’s going on.……

Man, why do I even bother anymore? What’s the point of going through all this pain just to win…?For your nephew.

Rank 9

I’m sure you love lugging all this dead weight around, huh?I don’t mind at all.


With everything that’s happening to me right now… do you really think I can still win the regionals next year?It’s all up to you.

Team Manager Yuko Strength Social Link

Wednesday, Saturday

How about you? Are you enjoing track and field?no increase

Also, I wasn’t really in the mental state to do this alone today.What happened?
And before I knew it, I’d dozed off. I ended up handing in a blank paper.It wasn’t your fault.
But come on, it’s way too early to worry about the future, isn’t it? We’re still just teenagers!That’s true

Going that far would’ve been crossing the lineno increase
Sorry you got dragged into that.Don’t worry about it.
They called you my boyfriend. That must have made you feel awkward. huh?I’m honored or I don’t mind

What!? No way! That’s such bull! This has to be rigged or somethingLet’s just calm down first.

What do you think I should do?no increase
I mean, why not, right? Please? Honestly, I don’t think I can handle it on my own…Sure thing.

Sure, I’m team manager and all, but I dunno if I’m ready to be a coach… What do you think?You’re very responsible.

Summer Festival

Don’t you think I’d look good in one?I’m sure you would

Rank 5

Elementary school kids really learn fast, don’t you think?It’s because you teach so well.
Should I change the training routine? Maybe they should be running more.I trust whatever you decide, Yuko. or You shouldn’t change it.

Rank 6

…Oh, why don’t you give them some advice too?You guys got this. or Show some guts!
Age difference really matters when you’re as young as they are. Do you really think they can beat the sixth graders?As long as we believe in them.

Rank 7

They called you my boyfriend till the very end…no increase
It’s like the kids have left the nest…Are you relieved?
Maybe we should throw a little party. You know, to celebrate our first attempt at coaching.Let’s do it.

Rank 8

I was out buying stuff that might be useful for running practice, and I ran out of increase
Hmm… Oh, do you like children?no increase
Would you want it to be a boy or a girl?A boy or A girl


Hey, you got some sauce around your mouth.Will you wipe it off for me?

Rank 9

All it did was make me more confused than I originally was. Guess I’ll have to go ask again increase
Can you guess what it is?An instructor?
I realized now that I might’ve been relying too much on increase
Are you like this… just with me? N-No, no, th-that can’t be it, huh…It’s because I love you. (Romance)
It’s because you’re a close friend. (No Romance)
(Romance) What’s happening…? Is this a dream? I love you, Yuko.

Bookstore Eldery Couple Bunkichi & Mitsuko Hierophant Social Link

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Rank 2

What was your name again?“Your Name”
Someone gave it to me, but I have more than enough. Go ahead and take it.Thank You
We have so many, my wife and I would take forever to finish them increase
He should be here helping customers… Sorry about increase
Oh, my dear, he’s…no increase

Rank 3

I don’t see it anywhere…Looking for something?
I’m looking for my glasses- Er, not my glasses, my wallet! I can’t seem to find it…Can I help?
I am one as well! Iam a student at Gekkoukan!no increase
But you can call me “Bebe”! It’s quite nice to meet you!no increase
Why must you get into a car…? Do you want me to end up all alone?no increase
On his way home from work, he got into an accident… He was hit by a dump truck driver who was drunk on the job…no increase

Rank 4

My wife just headed out to Gekkoukan.I’ll should go too. or I’ll wait here.
The… The… The tree…no increase
Do you know anything about this?I’m worried.

Rank 5

We’ve been feeling a bit guilty for troubling you about the persimmon treeI wouldn’t worry about it.
Why now? Why do they want to cut it down now…?Cheer up. or It’ll be okay.

Rank 6

If we lose that tree… it would be like losing our son all over again…Please don’t fight.
Unfortunately, that just reminded my dear of the pain we felt the day our son died…no increase

Rank 7

Ah…What happened?
They say the tree is a memorial to their former teacher… They don’t want it to be cut down.That’s great.
You must be the one who called on them for this, right?No. or That’s right. or What are you talking about?

Rank 8

Who do you think it was? Here’s a hint: “signature.”A petitioner? or A fan of yours?
He’s already gathered a number of signatures from students who were in our son’s class!no increase
I have to tell my son the good news!Right now? or Sure, let’s go.

Rank 9

What, is that surprising? I’m actually quite the net surfer, you know!What does the letter say? or Why a letter?
Are you curious about the letter? Excited, perhaps? Even exhilarated?no increase

Student Council Hidetoshi Odagiri Emperor Social Link

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Rank 1

I’m a first-year, and um, I’m still learning the ropes, so please be patient with increase

Rank 2

Some studenty think the school uniform should be abolished, and they’re gathering supporters.Sounds like nonsense.

Rank 3

What!? You can’t decide something like that without talking to the president first!What happened? or No need to fight.

Rank 4

This guy looks like he’s about to hit Odagiri!no increase
What is it? Did you need something from me?Looks like you’re hard at work.

Rank 5

…Bunch of neanderthals.They’re the worst.

Rank 6

It’s nice not having those hyenas increase
So as you can see, we can’t exactly hold a meeting right now. You can leave if you want.But I just got here…

Rank 7

About the smoker’s punishment, I mean.It seems too harsh.

Rank 8

Um, did Odagiri-san do something?no increase
…So, you heard all that.It wasn’t me.

Rank 9

I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was that I was desperate for power.What matters is you realized it.

Maya Online Game Hermit Social Link


eh, welcome to teh game! cool to seeya round :3no increase
have a little deja vu? ;Pno increase

Rank 2

u remember me rite? :OOf course.
hmm… what kinda people r we, playing inside on such a beautiful day?Sunshine is overrated.

Rank 3

so ummmmmm…… im drunk! xDOh really? o_O
but lately i cant get motivated to get work done @ work. =/You don’t like your job?

Rank 4

its like all she cares about is marrying me off to some dude >=/ whys it her problem?Let’s plan our wedding, then.

Rank 5

Mr. E is such a stupid eh so bee!! t(-.-t)Who’s Mr. E?
…oh noes! u cant figure out what my job is can u? O_oAre you a teacher?

Rank 6

actually, i only went cuz i was so pissed at that bastard! >=/What bastard?

Rank 7

…do men only want younger women? b honest ._.Well, yeah.
she even stuffs her bra!! lolShe, um… what? or Calm down

Rank 8

oh noes… now im starting to get sweaty =/Hurry up and tell me.
thats kinda crazy even for me >_>;What is he like?

Rank 9

it said their cancelling innocent sin. …think its for real?No way!
tatsuya… do u think we’ll still be able to see each other? T_Tno increase
maya’s not goin quietly! >=/ i’ll beat em to the punchWhat are you planning?

Treasurer Chihiro Fushimi Justice Link

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

I mean, um, I’m glad you’re willing to… b-but…no increase
My house is in the other directionno increase

Rank 2

Sorry to drag you along while I go shopping…Don’t worry about it.
…Um, do you read much?I read manga.
Is it boring for you to hang around with, um… someone like me?I’m having fun.
But I’m always so scared, that all I can do is nod…no increase
So… whenever I see a man now, all I can think of is that face…no increase

Rank 3

…Do they not know where they are!?They have no shame
We should notify the student council president right away, and discuss this at our next meeting!I agree

Summer Festival

I don’t have one myself though… How do you feel about yukatas?I’m sure you would.

Rank 4

!no increase
Why am I still shaking?I’m here for you.

Rank 5

So, um… there was something I needed to ask you…I’m all ears.
Is she in love right now!?Yeah, she’s in love.
Sorry for asking you about such a weird topic.Happy to help.
What should I do…?Hold her hand

Rank 6

Wh-What should I do…?Is it good?
That is, until recently…What do you mean?

Rank 7

It’s gotta be a misunderstanding.
I-I couldn’t stand up to them, but I… I didn’t take anything!We have to do something…

Rank 8

See, how could it not be her!? And with such an innocent face, too…no increase
I don’t really have anyone else I can count on…I know you’re innocent.


It’s just… ever since that money went missing, I’ve been feeling anxious whenever I’m alone…I don’t mind or I’m happy to help.

Rank 9

D-Don’t tell me she thinks I stole the money too!Don’t worry, she’ll help us.
……any response
Give me a hand, will you?any response
Ehehehe!What’s gotten into you?
I love you!I feel the same, Chihiro. (Romance)
I like working with you, but… (No Romance)
(No Romance)any response


What about you? Are you planning to get a driver’s license?I am.

Girl at the Shrine Maiko Hanged Social Link

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday

It’s your turn, okay? You get to pick!no increase

Rank 2

My tummy’s grumbling! Can we go to Wilduck?Sure, let’s go.
Why would they get a divorce?no increase
…She’s sobbing loudly. What should I do?no increase

Rank 3

…And who are you?no increase
Do you think he’ll come home and see me?Don’t worry, he’ll be there.

Rank 4

They really do care about me!Of course they care.

Rank 5

He’s so mean! It’s not fair!That’s awful.
Do they just wish I would disappear?They would never.

Rank 6

I made up my mind! I have to run away from home!It’s up to you. or Calm down.
I need lots of snacks, right? And my… insurance card?That should be enough.

Rank 7

She’s never done anything like this before!no increase
If you have any idea where she is, I’m begging you to tell increase

Rank 8

What do you wanna get?Hamburgers
It was sad, but I listened to the whole thing. Did I do good?You’re a good girl.
Who do you think I should pick?Your dad.

Rank 9

Even if I’m gone… we’ll still be friends, right?Friends forever.

Exchange Student Bebe Temperance Social Link

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Rank 2

It will be my first time going. Will you maybe, how do you say, show me the ropes?Sure let’s go. or You like sweets? or There’s nothing to show.
I love the culture of Nihon! Japan is sugoi – amazing!I totally agree.

Rank 3

You have gotten much better at this! Subarashii – wonderful!I can do better. or Thanks.
I would like to make something Japanese, but what?How about a kimono?


Do you like it, too?Yeah, I do.

Rank 4

……Are you all right?
She was taken by the angels!no increase

Rank 5

Could we go somewhere to eat after this?Sure.
I might never come back to Japan again!Just stay in Japan!

Rank 6

I have barely swen anything at all.Why not take a break?
Will you go to Azuki Arai with moi?Let’s do it. or Just one minute…
I want to stay here in Japan even if I have to eat dirt!I have your back!

Rank 7

I will show him a kimono! When he sees it, he will understand the beauty of Nihon!That’s a great idea.


I must hurry and complete the kimono.Patience.

Rank 8

When my uncle sees this, I know he’ll agree with me about how great Nihon is!He’ll definitely agree!


What exactly is it? It just looks like the eggs of an insect to me.It IS insect eggs. or It’s beans.

Rank 9

And thanks to all your help, the kimono is almost finished! I feel so blessed!Aren’t you homesick?


Speaking of rice… What is your favorite dish with it?Curry

Unusual Monk Mutatsu Tower Social Link

Rank 2

What’cha doin’ here today, kid?None of your business.
You don’t have to revere me, but at least show some proper respect.How should I address you?

Rank 3

How come you’re always alone when I see ya? Don’tcha got any friends?I don’t have any friends.

Rank 4

You should cut it. No, better yet, shave it all off… Give the bald look a try.Yeah, that might look cool.

Rank 5

High school kids don’t have much money, do they? At least, I never gave much to my son.I have enough
…And I mean somethin you can buy with money. Not some crap like “love” or “a sense of humor.”No.

Rank 6

Ugh… I’m in bad shape…You should go home.
It’s always in times like these… ah… when it’s hardest to be alone…Do you have any coworkers?

Rank 7

…Hey! There’s a microphone over there. Bring it over, kid! I’ll perform a live sutra reading.You probably shouldn’t…

Rank 8

Didn’t Dad tell you not to do that, huh?Dad?
Where the hell were ya wanderin’ around? Iss late!I was with a friend. or None of your business.
I wonder if they felt the same way I did, when I was waiting for you earlier…no increase
…Now when I go home, I don’t know what to do with myself, so I just come here and drink every night.Are you running away?

Rank 9

I’m workin’ memorial service after memorial service 24/7, as if my little temple was some kinda convenience store…Why not take a break? or Poor man know no leisure.
I’ve been drinkin’ too much lately… Makin’ a fool of myself like I did the other day.Hang in there. or Time to retire.
Whaddaya think?What’s this about? or I don’t really care

Gourmet King Nozomi Suemitsu Moon Social Link

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Rank 2

Well? Would you wanna be… my younger brother?Sure, why not.

Rank 3

So? Do you “get me,” hm? Who am I Go, on, I wanna hear it come out of your mouth!The Gourmet King

Rank 4

Whew… That was way too close. If that toilet was just a bit further away… Ohhhh, boy.Are you feeling sick?

Rank 5

Right?That’s right.

Rank 6

I don’t get it. I was fine up until a minute ago, then suddenly I felt sick.Are you sick?

Rank 7

Well? Did that just blow your mind?The world is ending?
Not to mention you’ll get a discount since I’ll be referring you, too. You are one lucky guy!No way I’m paying that.

Rank 8

Look at me! I’m paper-thin now!No, you’re not.

Rank 9

Finally, Paradise is smiling back at me! Yes! Yesss!no increase

Businessman Tanaka Devil Social Link

Rank 2

“Placebo”! The stress is on the middle syllable.“Placebo.”
These are just a fraction of our unique line of products!Wow. or Can you even sell those?

Rank 3

These days, even a grade-schooler knows how to buy stocks online. How about you? Interested in stock trading?Maybe a little.

Rank 4

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see through people’s bathing suits at the beach?Sure have!

Rank 5

Ugh, I just can’t concentrate. I get so worked up when I picture his face!Whose face?
Then… he just stopped coming to increase
It makes me sick just thinking about the net losses… Argh…It’s all about the money…

Rank 6

Just the other day, my high school organized a class reunion.Sounds fun.

Rank 7

Well? Do you notice anything different about me?Sort of…
Which one do you think the supermarket would rather stock?The organic on.

Rank 8

He said, “Thank you.”Why would he say that?

Rank 9

But no matter how attractive she was, I was repulsed by her dedication to charity work.Are you going to donate?

Fuuka Priestess Social Link

Monday, Friday, Saturday

Maybe I should give him some food. What do you think?Sure.
I don’t want to put you in the hospital…no increase
I don’t think I can do this alone. Can I… count on you to help?Sure thing.

Summer Festival

I usually don’t wear this kind of clothing, so I’m feeling a little uncomfortable…You look great.

Rank 3

I still don’t have a feel for how much salt to add. How do you do it?Just a dash or two.
O-Oh, sorry. I know you’re just trying to help me, and all I’m doing is being negative.Just take it slow.
Hm… But in that case, I can’t really read while cooking. I wouldn’t want to get the pages increase

Rank 4

But I couldn’t really decide, and I wasn’t sure how to use whatever I’d buy…no increase
And it’s not like I have any other redeeming qualities.You’re a hard worker
Not to mention that I’m kind of embarrassed about it all. I mean, it’s not a very feminine hobby.That’s not true.

Rank 5

W-Well… How is it?You did a great job.
Because, I don’t think I could have made it this far without you.I’m glad I could help.
That might be the reason why I made such good rice balls. Because I was thinking about who was going to eat them.Can you make me more sometime?

Rank 6

I promise I’m going to do the best I can. So can I count on you?Of course.
I know I don’t seem very reliable, but I want to make myself a useful member of the team.That’s the spirit.

Rank 7

……no increase
I mentioned that I don’t really like going to increase
She even threatened to show my parents…That’s messed up.
I’m sure it’s because you’re our leader. That’s why I depend on you so increase

Rank 8

How are you able to tell yourself that things will work out in the end?I believe in myself.
Will that be the end of us spending time together like this?Not at all.

Rank 9

She said, “When you’re friends, you don’t keep score.”any response
I want to be together with you, forever.any response
……I love you, Fuuka (Romance)
We’ll always be friends. (No Romance)
(Romance) any response
(No Romance)Sure.


You, ve been awfully friendly with different girls lately, haven’t you?N-No, I haven’t.

Art Club Keisuke Hiraga Fortune Social Link

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Rank 2

…!no increase
Yamagishi-san won’t be going anywhere for a increase

Rank 3

It really helped apply the paint to the canvas, so I’m sure that’s the only reason the judges even noticed.You’ve got talent
I recommend adding more shellfish to your diet, like oyster and abalone. They’re packed with iron and easy to increase

Rank 4

Did you… hear everything?You’re pulling out of the contest? or You’re quitting art club?
I have my own dreams too, you know! Ugh, I can’t stand it anymore!Complaining to me won’t help you.

Rank 5

Wait. Then… that means…You should tell your dad!

Rank 6

Everyone’s working so hard…no increase
I just don’t know what to think.It’s your choice now.

Rank 7

It’s like he’s suddenly trying to be more understanding. It’s weird.Do you want to be a doctor?

Rank 8

Can you remember your name?It’s okay, I’m fine.
A-Anyway, do you remember what happened?no increase
I’m not a doctor…no increase

Rank 9

Tell the others I said goodbye!You can’t go!
Ma’am, are you all right!? That cough…any response
My train’s about to leave! Wh-What should I do?any response
How should I help him.any response
What should I do next?any response


Even if your life is predestined, I think you should give it your all while on that path.You have a point.

Rival Athlete Mamoru Hayase Star Social Link

Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

Rank 1

Hey, eat up – you’re slowing down! Is that all you’ve got?no increase
Not many people can keep up with me. I’m impressed!no increase

Rank 2

That’s why I have to make it big – it’s for everyone who’s been helping me.Sounds like a lot of pressure.
By the way, who would you say is your biggest rival?Myself

Rank 3

Maybe I should get some for them, too…For your teammates? or Who’s “them”?
Our apartment’s pretty small, though, so we’re packed like sardines.That sounds rough. or Sounds like fun.

Rank 4

…All right, just one more!What are you doing? or Slow down and savor it.
Know what that means? If I do well enough, I might score a scholarship.That would be amazing!
Any maybe… this’ll make my mom’s life a little easier.Yeah, I bet it would.

Rank 5

*huff* *huff* Sorry I kept you waiting…Are you okay?
I used to come here all the time with my teammates, but…I’ll come back here with you.

Rank 6

Let’s see…no increase
Hmm…no increase
Well…no increase
Sorry, but I don’t think I can make it todayDon’t worry, it’s okay.

Rank 7

Thanks for coming all the way here for this.It’s no problem at all.
There’s still so much I have to do.Sounds pretty rough. or Stop whining and do it!
Why’d you have to die, Dad!?no increase
Is this… really how it ends for me?Don’t give up yet

Rank 8

Hmm…Do it.
In the end, maybe it was my fault the team couldn’t work together.It sure was. or Don’t sweat it.

Rank 9

So, uh, the big meet for that scholarship was yesterday.Did you win?
I got first place, of course!Congrats, man!
Kinda makes me feel empty inside.What will you do now? or Will you quit running?
Go ahead and order extra noodles. It’s on me.Thanks!

Dying Young Man Akinari Kamiki Sun Social Link


Can be found on Sundays in Naganaki Shrine. Check Koromaru’s Paw for the Red Fountain Pen to establish the Sun Arcana Social Link

Rank 2

You’re… not like the others.Really?
Dying isn’t so bad, is it? What’s the point of dragging out your time in this world, anyhow?You have a point

Rank 3

…Why is this only happening to me?I couldn’t say.
It’s almost too much for me, if I’m alone…Try not to talk too much.

Rank 4

…Do you enjoy reading books?I’d say so.
…Do you read books all the way through?I stop if I get bored

Rank 5

I suppose I’m not doing my health any favors like this…You need to listen to your body.

Rank 6

Say, how do you feel about a pink alligator?Sounds fine to me.
So, what do you think?It sounds interesting.

Rank 7

…That’s as far as I’ve written. I haven’t decided on an ending yet.It sounds really depressing.

Rank 8

…Just give me a minute… so I can… calm down…Take as long as you need.
It’s not going to cure me anyway, right? It just eases my pain and suffering…Why did you stop?

Rank 9

So… I’d like you to celebrate with me. As of today, I am a free individual.You finished your story?

Yukari Takeba Lovers Social Link

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Rank 2

I think I’ll go with the gerberas. What color do you think should I get?Cute pink.
Oh wait, you’ve never seen my room, have you? Well then, why am I even asking you?That’s mean.

Rank 3

I guess my own mom’s no increase

Rank 4

Sorry.Are you okay?

Rank 5

What should I do?no increase
Did something happen…?no increase
……no increase
Huh? Who the hell are you?no increase
I didn’t need your help!I’m sorry.

Rank 6

Thanks for your help back then. I really appreciate it.Anytime.
Wouldn’t that be annoying? Y’know, if people assumed we were dating…I wouldn’t mind.

Rank 7

We could have lunch outdoors. Maybe we’ll even see a deer or something. What do you think?Sounds good. or Let’s go just the two of us.

Rank 8

I know! Why don’t you come help me pick something out?All right.
I told her we could meet up and talk about her remarriage. I’m nervous just thinking about it…no increase


Yeah, I have a pretty big appetite, huh? Haha…Do you want mine, too?

Rank 9

What do you really think of me?I love you (Romance)
You’re a precious friend (no Romance

Mitsuru Kirijo Empress Social Link

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Rank 2

It’s smaller than I expected.Is this your first time? or Do you know how to eat it?

Rank 3

Sometimes my own ignorance truly astounds me…Why not give it a try?
Maybe he’s just maturing…Are you happy?
It’s the most peculiar feeling.any response
Sorry to subject you to my thoughtless rambling. Just forget I said anything.I heard nothing

Rank 4

In just a short while, we’ll be looking back on these days with nostalgia.Did something happen?
What does marriage mean to you?It’s all for love.
Am I… wrong about this?any response.

Rank 5

It seems a lot of thought goes into the design and construction of a movie theater.Glad you enjoyed it.
She’s likely more suited to riding a motorcycle than I am, as well.A motorcycle?
I don’t regret it. Even now, I spend my time tuning it whenever I can.Let’s go for a ride.

Rank 6

……Need some help?
…Even if I have to make sacrifices to do it.any response
This is the best solution for everyone involved…I didn’t know
So… I won’t run from my fate.I’ll do something about it.

Rank 7

Or… is that too selfish a request?I don’t mind at all.

Rank 8

Somewhere far away, where no one knows who you are?any response.
Talking to you has become something of an outlet for me. Heh, I’m sure you’re sick of it by now.any response
Ah… Keep in mind, this is a what-if scenarioany response
How dare you say that!?Don’t insult her father!
Please excuse me.Don’t give in.
But… when he mentioned my father, and you… I couldn’t help myself.any response.


Why did they give us this lemon on the side? I don’t suppose it’s dessert…Squeeze it over your food.

Rank 9

Um… I know what you’re thinking.This room is… wow.
It’s been a much-needed reminder that I’m not alone.That’s a relief

Aigis Aeon Social Link

Can be unlocked on 1/8. Will be available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Rank 2

What about you? Do you… like it here?I like it here.

Rank 3

How can we make them understand?any response
……That’s not true.

Rank 4

A white, spotted cat… Did you see one?any response
Goodness, really!? Where might this have been?any response
Being seperated from a loved one can be very distressing after all…All right.
And I was the one who insisted we search… I’m sorry.any response

Rank 5

It seems that living is something that can’t be done alone.You might be right.

Rank 6

Did I do something wrong?He thought I was your boyfriend

Rank 7

Was Mii-chan-san happy?any response
Was Mii-chan-san… grateful to have been born…?any response
For what purpose… was Mii-chan-san born…?any response

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