Rare Enemy Location – Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore

Rare Enemy Sixth Element

Rare Enemy Sixth Element Location - Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore

In Chapter 2 you have the possibility to farm the rare enemy Sixth Element which drops Macca Converter. A Performa needed for many Carnages.

Sixth Element Location Guide

Rare Monster Sixth Element Location

Teleport to Block 3 South in Illusory Shibuya and go to (A). You should see a shiny enemy symbol. If you have Eleonora cast Slowma. If you miss the rare monster just run around until you catch it. Once you defeat it and get the Macca Converter you have to leave the dungeon to make it reappear.

Rare Enemy Bretorius

Rare Enemy Bretorius Location - Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore

In Chapter 4 you have the possibility to farm the rare enemy Bretorius which drops Interstellar Sefirot. A Performa needed for many Carnages.

Bretorius Location Guide

Rare Enemy Bretorius Location

Enter Illusory Daiba Studio and check the screen room. If the Sponsored By Treasure Stash Co. is in the top left you can get to the rare enemy Bretorius. If it’s in the top right leave and enter again until it’s in the top left. Enter the top left room and use the ladder to get to a small platform (A) with a chest. Use Ellie’s Slowma and Touma’s Estoma and walk around until you see the rare enemy symbol. Use Kiria’s Deep Chill Special Performance to kill it.

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