All Amiibo Rewards – Xenoblade Chronicles 3

In Xenoblade Chronicles 3 you can activate 3 Amiibo per day to receive a reward. What Amiibo you use does not matter except for Shulk and the Monado skin. Each Amiibo will give you either one non set reward or a set reward with all its collectibles.

Non Set Rewards

Shulk Amiibo – Monado Skin

100 x Class Points (CP)

200 x Class Points (CP)

600 x Class Points (CP)

Nopon Coin (Silver)

7 x Nopon Coin (Silver)

700 XP

Collectibles Set 01

2 x Glitter Radish

2 x Comet Carrot

1 x Bunnit Meat

Collectibles Set 02

2 x Glitter Radish

2 x Comet Carrot

1 x Bunnit Meat

1 x Miso

Collectibles Set 04

2 x Garaffa Tenderloin

3 x Powdered Wheat

1 x Salty Cabbage

1 x Smalnut

1 x Quinini

Collectibles Set 05

1 x Cured Armu Sirloin

1 x Scarlet Lychee

2 x Razzle Basil

1 x Elegant Pummelo

3 x Skeeter Honey

Collectibles Set 06

1 x Milky Soy

4 x Prickle Spice

1 x Cracker Nut

3 x Crimson Moonbloom

2 x Fire Apricot

Collectibles Set 07

2 x Full-Bodied Ardun Meat

2 x Bafflestripe Gourd

2 x Filling Onion

3 x Paste Bean

1 x King Marigold

Collectibles Set 08

2 x Refreshing Piranhax Meat

2 x Silverseed

2 x Clusterelle

1 x Plate Pothos

2 x Condimenut

Collectibles Set 09

4 x Compressed Ansel Meat

2 x Purple Pepper

3 x Jasper Coriander

1 x Monstrum Mango

1 x Aldae Evridae

Collectibles Set 10

2 x Cured Armu Sirloin

2 x Muscat Noir

3 x Million-Leaf Dill

1 x Armored Chestnut

1 x Minionion

Collectible Set 11

2 x Refreshing Piranhax Meat

1 x Whisper Tomato

3 x Bizarrenacle

1 x Ring Guava

2 x Metamorphosage

Collectible Set 13

3 x Fatty Serprond Fillet

2 x Rainbow Boronia

3 x Babybubble Berry

2 x Neo Walnut

2 x Squeezy Lime

Collectibles Set 14

1 x Thick Moramora Fin

1 x Sundialflower

2 x Ingot Carrot

3 x Relief Bean

1 x Wand Burdock

Collectibles Set 15

3 x Noise Bite

2 x Skyclam

3 x Fluffy Cloud Ear

1 x Knockout Wasabi

2 x Egg Seed

Collectibles Set 16

2 x Glowing Gyaark Fin

2 x Fatty Serprond Fillet

1 x Quality Red Krodlax Meat

1 x Dish Philodendron

3 x Galaxy Swirl

Collectibles Set 17

3 x Smushi Rice

2 x Glitter Radish

1 x Refreshing Piranhax Meat

2 x Soyprimo Sauce

Collectibles Set 18

1 x Mottlemarble Aries Meat

1 x Lucky Marrin Thickcuts

1 x Cozy Rhogul Egggems

1 x Killjoy Crustip Meat

Collectibles Set 19

1 x Jade Lobster

3 x Potatwo

1 x Amethyst Melon

3 x White Melonball

Collectibles Set 20

3 x Tasty Sausage

1 x Pink Asparagus

3 x Thousand Carrot

2 x Frangible Yam

1 x Lucky Spice

Collectibles Set 21

1 x Glitter Radish

1 x Comet Carrot

3 x Transcendent Tenderloin

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