All Unique Monsters – Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Aetia Region Unique Monsters

Sycophantic Lilith (Level 5)

Lapdog Veece (Level 9)

Perturbed Bilkin (Level 13)

Indiscreet Gombaba (Level 12)

Migratory Circe (Level 14)

Househunter Carly (Level 21)

Repulsive Deepus (Level 24)

Gushing Masquin (Level 24)

Altruistic Maribel (Level 29)

Petrivore Judomar (Level 30)

Phantom Streya (Level 51)

Well-Plated Zelinka (Level 53)

Witchwind Kujjat (Level 59)

Wicked Wolf Aranqui (Level 70)

Jinguistic Gigantus (Level 80)

Perilwing Ryuho (Level 100)

Aetia Region, Upper Unique Monster

Spiralhorn Baccro (Level 56)

Stonehoof Torphan (Level 57)

Timbercorn Cthinos (Level 61)

Fang-King Clavein (Level 80)

Fornis Region Unique Monsters

Sharpwitted Tracy (Level 15)

Hazardous Jarrahed (Level 16)

Rambler Curalie (Level 17)

Unruffled Narrah (Level 19)

Perspicacious Oldar (Level 20)

Scornful Daria (Level 22)

Dapper Sepiar (Level 22)

Tenderling Rumi (Level 23)

Wraithfin Segna (Level 24)

Heretical Saurow (Level 25)

Stoneclipper Gorse (Level 25)

Crystalline DuGarre (Level 27)

Terrorbird Zieger (Level 37)

Farseer Pirtett (Level 40)

Night-Stalker Volodya (Level 42)

Unobtrusive Liggy (Level 43)

Profound Hodzuki (Level 44)

Puzzled Raquinu (Level 45)

Villainous Igna (Level 46)

Doomfang Caum (Level 50)

Joyful Nimroog (Level 69)

Impish Langobard (Level 74)

Dunesea Marcellus (Level 87)

Kilocorn Grandeps (Level 95)

Night-Stalker Volodya (Level 43)

Pentelas Region Unique Monsters

Raucous Ron (Level 27)

Shimmering Marco (Level 28)

Gallivanter Buckley (Level 30)

Frolicking Parker (Level 31)

Budding Francis (Level 32)

Phantasmagorical Rist (Level 35)

Soaring Virion (Level 36)

Massive Georges (Level 37)

Dimwitted Tirkin (Level 45)

Besieger Sheritt (Level 48)

Bushwhacker Farritt (Level 48)

Gracious Titania (Level 50)

Bloodsucking Elvis (Level 53)

Aquatic Beasts (Level 67)

Agnian Assassins (Level 82)

Immovable Gonzalez (Level 88)

Keves Castle Region Unique Monster

Craven Piggard (Level 38)

Ambusher Tirion (Level 39)

Blazing Karlos (Level 40)

Bushwacker Farritt (Level 48)

Diabolical Rindolph (Level 49)

Hornbow Dante (Level 55)

Protector Revelta (Level 64)

Infiltrator Garnach (Level 64)

Mobile Vespa (Level 41)

The Executioners (Level 42)

The Black Triad (Level 43)

Cadensia Region Unique Monster Locations

Spectral Remi (Level 42)

Littlefort Morley (Level 46)

Widdershins Radler (Level 48)

Navigator Helios (Level 48)

Taksmaster Imperion (Level 49)

Intrusive Neville (Level 49)

Barbed Merod (Level 51)

Virtous Gulkin (Level 52)

Galloping Ghuldan (Level 56)

Hardshelled Admory (Level 57)

Foolhardy Salde (Level 58)

Otherwordly Rodsin (Level 60)

Covetous Gerondon (Level 60)

Spiky Aurelia (Level 63)

Abysmal Rakshmi (Level 64)

4 Blades in the Dark (Level 65)

Whirlpool Triumvirate (Level 66)

Sharkblade Nedd (Level 67) – only while it’s raining

Sundappled Floria (Level 71)

Talkative Dirakha (Level 63)

Jealous Mizraile (Level 72)

Oceanic Lucera (Level 73)

Demonic Krenolur (Level 75)

Naval Gyrus (Level 75)

Heroic Gulkin (Level 76)

Flyswatter Kamado (Level 77)

Seatiger Tridence (Level 77) – only at Night

Ragemaw Tempeldo (Level 78)

Killhappy Brijaidor (Level 79)

Ravenous Babayaga (Level 84)

Seadragoon Melchior (Level 85)

Obliterator Centaurio (Level 91)

Levialord Empireo (Level 110)

Swordmarch Unique Monster Locations

Fireblade Faltaar (Level 47)

Origin Unique Monster Locations

Defiled Ishtar (Level 65)

Armbenders (Level 66)

Creeping Hameel (Level 67)

Pressing Rafeel (Level 69)

Clinging Azreel (Level 69)

Hollow Ones (Level 70)

Thaumawolf Bajeek (Level 71)

Reaping Anteel (Level 72)

Desired Oruria (Level 86)

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