Best Brigitta (Merchant) Answers – Metaphor

Get Wisdom to level 2 and accept Brigitta’s quest A bullish Embargo. Complete it to unlock Brigitta (Merchant) Archetype Lineage. This guide will show you which answers to pick.

Brigitta Metaphor

Brigitta Rank 2

Merchant Enlightenment – Reduces the MAG cost of studying the Merchant Lineage.

There’s one rule, however.That’s it? +1Is it actually some vicious monster…? +2
This thing is a weakness waiting to be exploited.Why me? +0Why hide it? +2
I suppose you do have some surprising skills.Why do you know that? +0Did you look into me? +0
You should go home for today. I’ll give you your pay.Done already? +2I haven’t done anything, though… +2

Brigitta Rank 3

Scion’s Skill – Increases skill inheritance slots for the Merchant

Merchant’s Rate – Improves the exchange rate at the MAG Exchange

This is on you too, dog.That’s what’s cute about her. +0It’s proof she’s smart. +1You jealous or something? +0
It could have just given up and died.You hated it? +0This poor little dog? +0
…It was hell.I can’t imagine. +0I see… +0
Just like that dog.Understood. +1I want to hear more. +0
What are your true motives?To improve the country. +1To make my mark. +1To help people like you. +0

Brigitta Rank 4

Scion’s Merit – Increases skill inheritance slot for the Merchant Lineage to 3.

Merchant’s Finest – Widens the variety of items sold at the Lycaon Magic Association.

The dog… is no longer here.She ran away? +0You let her go? +0
The only equality is that we all inevitably die.Maybe. +1I don’t think so. +2
Here’s your pay.Thanks. +0I won’t take it. +1I’ll keep visiting. +3

Brigitta Rank 5 (Requires Courage 3)

Guild Discount – Receive a discount at weapon, armour, and igniter shops.

The ones who took my dog, the anti-igniter extremists…What’s the Church doing? +1What are you planning? +0
And I’d like you to help me punish them.I refuse. +0Please think this through. +0
Fine. If that’s how must be, then I will spare no expense to see you fall.You would slaughter a village. +0I don’t think it was right! +0
I… don’t want to lose anything else I care about.I understand how you feel. +2You still need to be careful. +2
If it was all a lie, then what does the church get out of it…?To spread magic igniters? +1To harass you? +1
This is my job. Not yours.Do we need the excuse? +3I’d like to visit you. +3

Brigitta Rank 6

Merchant Veneration – Significantly reduces the MAG cost of studying the Merchant Lineage.

Merchant’s Markdown – Significantly improves the exchange rate at the MAG Exchange.

…There you have it.Burnt to the ground? +0But they’re lying. +1
In short… this is a warning.Are you giving in? +0What will you do? +1
It’ll be your head next! So I’ll be the Church’s slave.They can’t hurt me. +0You can’t give in to fear. +0That won’t change anything. +0
Underbuffed… When you think of this world you want to create…Hope. +3It won’t be hell. +3…Smiling faces? +3

Brigitta Rank 7 (Courage 4)

Igniter Connoisseur – Further widens the variety of items sold at the Lycaon Magic Asssociation by adding rare items.

Supply Crate – Occasionally, as on day ends and another begins, Brigitta will send a crate with funds.

If I only expand my current trade,…Won’t that make them mad? +1What are you doing? +1
Remember the early days?Thus you chose me. +1I’m glad I took this job. +2
I wanted to take that first step.That’s true determination. +2You’re not afraid? +1I won’t let you die. +3

Brigitta Rank 8

Merchant Archetype: Elite – The party can now study the Tycoon.

Scion’s Essence – Increases skill inheritance slots for the Merchant.

So… you’re here for revenge. Is that it?It wasn’t Brigitta’s doing. +0The Church did this to you. +0
Underbuffed… My apologies.Okay. +0That depends on what happens. +0
…Against the Church’s campaign, it’ll barely make a difference.That’s smart. +1And afterwards? +1
I trust you to brighten our world.Leave it to me. +2I ask only patience. +2We’ll achieve that together. +4

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