Best Answers to increase Virtues – Metaphor

Virtues Metaphor

Podiums & Debates

Podiums increase the virtues Eloquence and Imagination.

Grand Trad PodiumHelp and understand each other. +4Stop Louis dictatorship. +3Let’s end society discontent. +3
Grand Trad PodiumTear down Sunshade Row. +3Help the people in Sunshade Row. +4Keep Sunshade Row as is. +3
Grand Trad PodiumIgniters are dangerous. +3Let’s make igniters free. +3I will restrict their use as weapons. +4
Martira PodiumLet’s promote local delicacies. +4Let’s place more effort on tourism. +3Let’s put more power into industry. +3
Martira PodiumMy strength will never waver. +3I let my actions speak. +4I got nothing. +3
Martira DebateLina seems to have a following among the dreamers…What are your policies? +4 +1Will you rule or just sell runners? +3 +1Demand would overwhelm you. +3 +1
Martira DebateLoveless is playing to the crowd’s pleasures…You’d put taverns out of business. +3 +1Alcohol won’t bring equality. +4 +1I’ll make food free. +3 +1
Martira DebateRoger is playing to the crowd’s bottom line…Only the rich win that way. +3 +1What of our country’s need?Taxes benefit us all. +4 +1
Brilehaven DebateJin is really working the crowd…Define “everything possible” +4 +1We should help anyone. +5 +1You’re really shady. +4 +1
Brilehaven DebateGlodell is winning over the crowd…Isn’t Louis your better? +4 +1And what of the weak? +4 +1You only parrot Louis! +5 +1
Brilehaven DebateSounds like Rudolf’s playing to the fanatics…What about the other tribes? +4 +1A military state is dangerous. +4 +1The tribes must stand together. +5 +1
Brilehaven DebateMilo is playing to his group of die-hard followers…Beauty is deeper than our skin. +5 +1Does beaty govern countries +4 +1What are your policies, though? +4 +1
Altabury DebateJulian is playing to the scholarly minded…You value animals before people? +6 +2Why worry about the future? +6 +2The present day matters too. +7 +2


Books increase the Virtues Eloquence and Imagination.

New World Travel Diary

There are so many things I’ve learned since we started…You’ve matured. +0Same here. +0The world is vast… +0
I know this time we’re travelling for our mission,…I hear you. +0Sounds like fun. +0Maybe I’ll write a book about it. +0
Well? Can you think of anything I can do to help you out?Teach me more. +4Always encourage me. +4You’re already helping me plenty. +4
What do you think the light is?The dragon remains. +3The pavilion. +4Whichever. It’s made up. +3
Well, whatever.Sounds pretty. +4Sounds dangerous. +3Sounds safe. +3

Pride and Persuasion

…Probe for weak points?To strike them down in one hit. +3To gain the upper hand. +4To exploit them without mercy. +3
Shock their senses?Stare them down. +3Pretend to cry. +3Scare them. +4
“For them, the most effective thing to do is…”Plead with them. +4Treat them coldly. +3Yell at them. +3

Bygone Days

Doesn’t have choices.

The Future of Magic

“And the void left there is where magic comes in,” it says.It’s a good idea. +3It won’t work for everyone. +4People come before nature. +3
“So, why wait? Start adapting now.It’s a great idea. +3Immediately is too rash. +4Nothing needs to change. +3
Sooo, because we’ll end up fighting, we just quit living?Yes… to stay alive. +3I’d prefer ruin. +3We have to live and fight on. +4

The Secret Poetry! Do Not Read!

Doesn’t have choices.

How to Walk Outside the Island

Doesn’t have choices.

Literacy Workbook

Doesn’t have choices.


Cooking increases the virtue Tolerance.

Cook anything

Okay, the next thing we need to prepare is the “Cockatoo Wooly Cloud Omelette”.Use less oil. +2Don’t whisk it. +2Cook it on low heat. +3
The finishing touch is the addition of fruit as a secret ingredient.Put it on top. +2Grate in and simmer. +3Hide it under the plate. +2


Redgrass-Roasted BidouLet’s make it spicier. +2Let’s stick to the recipe. +3Take it away, Chef Gallica. +2

Hot Spring

I’m starting to tremble. Whad should I do…?Bear with it.Find a cooler spot.Surrender to the heat.

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