Did you know that you can get a Masamune, Scathe and some other really GREAT gear VERY EARLY, even before Arcades?? YOU CAN!!
You can do this as soon as you get to the Phon Coast and have completed the Antlion Hunt in the Lhusu Mines. You should be able to beat the Antlion when you get Aeroga from the Mosphoran Highwaste Merchant (the Antlion and his buddies are weak to Wind.)
After you beat the Antlion and rescue the kids, the one kid tells you he dropped the Site 11 Key down a cravass into the water below. The other kid says the Key will probably wash up on some shore somewhere. You need that Key to get deeper into the Lhusu Mines and get the GOODIES!!
Don’t worry, the Site 11 Key does indeed wash up somewhere. At the Hunter’s Camp in the Phon Coast!! Once you’re there, you’ll notice a little round about part on the map, where you can walk around a large boulder or something like that. Walk around that until you see a man sitting on the ground against the rock. Directly to his right is the Site 11 Key. PICK THAT UP!!
Now you can get even deeper into the Mines and get that sweet sweet PLUNDER!! *A word of warning, if you do this you MUST do it BEFORE you reach Arcades, otherwise Gilgamesh will block your way in the Lhusu Mines and he will (most likely) KICK YOUR BUTT!!*
Since you already beat the Antlion you should have already activated the Gate Crystal so you can simply Teleport to the Lhusu Mines – Transitway 2. Make your way over to Site 9, the Area where you fought the Antlion.
If you didn’t take all the Treasure from this room when you beat the Antlion, do so now. If you already have, skip down to the next paragraph. There is an Indigo Pendant (Accessory) directly in front of you when you enter the Area. From there go SOUTH then WEST. Halfway down that corridor is an Iga Blade (Ninja Sword.) Keep going to the exact place you fought the Antlion and there is a the Expose (Technik) in that little alcove on the EAST wall. *If for some reason these Chests don’t spawn, Zone Out one Area and come back and check again.*
Now halfway down the corridor going to the Antlion’s Nest will be a corridor going NORTH. Use the Site 11 Key on the Gate to Unlock it.
*You may have noticed when going to vanquish the Antlion, that the Enemies were a lot tougher than the previous Areas. Well the Enemies beyond this point are EVEN STRONGER. I suggest pulling out your White Mage from reserve duty, your strongest Tank and your Black Mage. Firaga (you can get it from the Phon Coast Merchant, so you should already have it) and Aeroga are gonna be your best friends here. Make sure you Buff everyone up with Protect, Shell, Haste and Bubble if you can manage it. Even so, these Enemies might STILL be too strong for you, depending on your Level. I even had difficulty at Level 40. If you find you can’t best the Monsters, reload your Auto-Save and strip down to one Character, turn off all your Gambits, set your Battle Speed to its SLOWEST Setting, and just run through grabbing all the Treasures. If there are Traps directly under these Chests that you simply CANNOT avoid, use a Float Mote Equip some Steel Pylons (an Accessory that lets you bypass Traps.*
Once your in the next Area, Site 11, make your way through the winding corridor to the alcove in the SOUTHWEST corner. The Chest in the very MIDDLE of the alcove contains an Orochi (Ninja Sword) and the Chest in the SOUTHWEST corner contains a Zwill Crossblade (Dagger.) Backtack NORTH through the winding corridor until you can go WEST. Directly in front of you, before you go down the Stairs, is a little corner wth a Chest that contains a Golden Skullcap (Mystic Hat.) Now go down the Stairs and go NORTH and then EAST and if you keep going EAST into that Area, (a portion of Site 9 previously inaccessible,) you can hit the Switch in this Area to open up the Gate that should make your Escape from this place much easier. HIT THAT SWITCH!! Then go back into Site 11 the way you came and go NORTH and then WEST. There will be another Switch here to open the way forward, but before you go, check the NORTHWEST part of this Area for a Chest containing a Renewing Morion (Light Armor.) Then end EAST to the next Area. * Again, if for some reason these Chests don’t spawn, Zone Out one Area and come back and check again.*
Now you’re in Lasche Span, on another Bridge. In the very MIDDLE of this Bridge is a Chest surrounded by Traps, it contains the Dragon Whisker (Spear.) Be careful of the Traps but also, the two Avions here. They are EXTREMELY POWERFUL. Nab the Treasure and scoot on to the next Area. *If for some reason this Chest doesn’t spawn, Zone Out one Area and come back and check again.*
Now your in Site 5. Hit the Switch thats right there and go NORTH, EAST and then NORTH through the corridor to another Alcove. There on the SOUTHERN wall is a Chest containing a Byblo’s Bone (best Mace in the Game.) Then backtrack a little bit and go all the way SOUTH to another little Alcove. Open the Green Urn and obtain the Lhusu Candle, which will fill in the rest of the Map that you haven’t explored yet. Also, on the NORTH wall of this Alcove is a Chest containing some Quasimodo Boosts (Accessory.) Back out until you can go further EAST, go through there all the way EAST and directly in front of you on the EASTERN wall is a Chest containing some Glimmering Robes (Mystic Armor.) Then go NORTH all the way, then WEST a little bit, then NORTH and EAST and before you get to the next Area on the NORTHERN wall is a Chest containing an Arcturus (Gun.) Then exit this Area to the EAST. *Again, if for some reason these Chests don’t spawn, Zone Out one Area and come back and check again.*
Now your in Site 6 South. Just go ahead a few steps and to the NORTH will be a HIDDEN PATH leading to a SECRET AREA. GO IN THERE!! The little Area is called Site 6 North. Just follow the corridor to another little alcove and there will be two Chests. The one in the very MIDDLE contains a Maximilian (Heavy Armor) and the one directly behind it on the SOUTHERN wall contains the Whale Wisker. BEWARE OF TRAPS!! Then just back track back into Site 6 South. *If for some reason these Chests don’t spawn, Zone Out one Area and come back and check again.*
Back in Site 6 South go directly EAST to the little alcove there. The Chest on the WEST side contains a Magepower Shishak (Heavy Helm.) Then head SOUTH all the way through the winding corridor and right before you exit into the next Area, on the EASTERN wall is a Chest containing a pair of Germnias Boots (Accessory.) Grab them and exit to the SOUTH. *As always,if for some reason these Chests don’t spawn, Zone Out one Area and come back and check again.*
This Area, the Staging Area, has a Blue Save Crystal, should you need its healing properties and to Save. But more importantly, on the NORTHERN wall is a Chest that contains Scathe!! (strongest Multi-Target Black Magick Spell in the Game.) Then move onto the FINAL Area. *If for some reason this Chest doesn’t appear, Zone Out one Area and come back.*
Now your in Site 7, which is actually the very place you will have your second and final Battle with Gilgamesh, later, much later. There are NO ENEMIES here. Just a Chest in the MIDLE of the SOUTHERN wall and it contains… the Masamune!! (best Two Handed Katana in the Game.) *If for some reason the Chest doesn’t spawn, Zone Out one Area and come back and check again.*
By now you just might have acquired enough good Equipment (and not to mention, SCATHE,) that if you couldn’t take the Enemies in the previous Areas, that now maybe you can. Save at the Blue Save Crystal in the previous room and feel free to try your luck against the Foes to make your way out. If you’re ANNIHILATED still, you can Re-Load your Save File and book it outta here the same way you go here.
Getting back out is actually much easier. All you have to do is make your way back to Site 11 and through there into Site 9 where you already opened the Gate (if not, just do it when you get there,) and exist to the WEST through the Tasche Span Bridge and onto the next Area with the Gate Crystal and Teleport outta this DUMP!!
Well, there you go. Now you have some really, REALLY good gear that really you have no business having this early (before Arcades) and not to mention the best Attack Spell in the Game. Shouldn’t have any trouble finishing the Game now, lol. I hope you found this Guide helpful and informative. And as always, HAVE FUN!!