New Game+ Information – Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Instead of starting over and having to play the whole game again Final Fantasy VII Remake lets you select the chapter you want to play. You will keep all weapons, materia, items, levels and collectibles.
Chapter Select
Some chapters have new content like chapter 17 which features Hojo’s Battle Simulator. You can see in the chapter select screen if you are missing any music discs or manuscripts. Decisions you make in a chapter only take effect if you complete the chapter (which dress Tifa should wear).
New Diffculty: Hard

When you select a chapter you can now select the hard difficulty. To make it more interesting for you to play the game on hard some items are only available on this difficulty. You can not change the difficulty in the chapter if you selected hard. Also your MP will not be refilled after completing quests or resting. As an additional challenge items can’t be used in a battle and also outside battles. You can only regenerate MP with mako shard inside Shinra’s boxes, weapon abilities (MP Regeneration 50% Boost) or the MP Absorption Materia which you will receive completing Battle Intel Reports.
Play Log

After beating Final Fantasy VII Remake you can access the worst enemy of every completionist: the Play Log. It shows you what you are missing and that you can always look for something you might have missed the first time.
Hojo’s Battle Simulator
A new Battle Simulator is available in Hojo’s Lab with new battles and new rewards. Most of these battles are only available if you play on Hard.
Permanent EXP and AP Buff
You will permanently gain 2x EXP and 3x AP! Which makes it way easier to get to level 99 and complete all Battle Intel Reports
Skipping the Bike Mini-Game
You can now skip the Bike Mini-Game in the Pause Menu.
Check out our other Guides for Final Fantasy VII Remake!