Star Ocean: The Second Story R – Private Actions

Claude’s Route Private Actions


  • Claude and Rena
    • Location: Rena’s House
    • Conditions: None
    • Deadline: Before the Lacuer Armory Contest.
    • What to pick:
      • Before Marze: What happened in the past?
      • After Marze: You should focus more on the future
  • Claude and Celine
    • Location: Talk to Celine in front of the General Store.
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine.
    • What to pick:
      • Wow. That’s really nice of you, Celine.
  • Rena and Precis
    • Location: Talk to Precis and Rena on the east side of Arlia
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis.
    • Deadline: Before the Lacuer Armory Contest.
    • What to pick:
      • I don’t have a girlfriend. (Precis +)
      • I’m actually going out with Rena. (Rena +, Precis -)
      • I was hoping you’d be mine (Precis +, Rena -)
  • Ashton
    • Location: Item Shop
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and have 1000 FOL in your inventory.
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, let’s buy it!
  • Welch
    • Location: Bosman’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch
  • Bowman
    • Location: Newlyweds’ house
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman
    • What to pick:
      • By the way, what are you doing here?


  • Claude’s Father
    • Location: South of Salva.
    • Conditions: None
  • Celine
    • Location: Talk to Celine in the Jam Store
    • Conditions: After Celine joins the party.
    • What to pick:
      • I can go look for her.
      • You shouldn’t give up so easily.
  • Hero of Light
    • Location: Talk to the little girl on the south side of Salva
    • Conditions: After staying at Krosse.
    • What to pick:
      • That’s right. I’m the Hero of Light.
  • Rena
    • Location: Jewelry Store
    • Conditions: After staying at Krosse.
    • What to pick:
      • Let me buy that for you.
  • Precis
    • Location: Jam Store
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis.
    • Responses have same effect
  • Bowman
    • Location: North part of Salva.
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman.
    • Responses have same effect
  • Ashton
    • Location: Near Salva Mines 
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton. Saw the exorcism event with Creepy and Weepy. Also met the King of Lacuer.
    • Responses have same effect
  • Opera
    • Location: South of Salva.
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera
    • What to pick:
      • Guess a woman


  • Celine and Rena
    • Location: Talk to Celine and Rena in the east part of Krosse.
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine.
    • Deadline: Must be done before the Marze Story Arc. 
    • What to pick:
      • Leave
  • Rena
    • Location: Krosse Cathedral
    • Conditions: Claude and Rena’s Friendship combined must be less than 3 Hearts in total.
    • What to pick:
      • I hope my wedding’s in a church like this, too.
  • Ashton and Precis
    • Location: Krosse Shopping Area (West part of town)
    • Conditions: Recruited Aston and Precis. Must have 100 Fol or more. 
    • What to pick:
      • You can do this, Ashton!
  • Precis
    • Location: Krosse Shopping Area (West part of town)
    • Conditions: Recruited Aston and Precis. Must have 100 Fol or more. 
    • What to pick:
      • I’ve got to stop Precis fast!
      • Well, in that case, sure.
  • Bowman
    • Location: Town Center
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman
    • Responses have same effect
  • Ashton and Welch
    • Location: Talk to Celine and Rena in the east part of Krosse.
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and Welch.
    • What to pick:
      • I’d love to see it!


  • Prophet Philia
    • Location: Hear Philia’s rambling on the town center of Kurik.
    • Conditions: None.
    • Deadline: Must be done before Kurik is gone. 


  • Rena
    • Location: East part of Marze.
    • Conditions: None.
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest.
    • What to pick:
      • You’re right.
  • Rena #2
    • Location: West part of Marze.
    • Conditions: Visit the town of Hilton. (Extra option if Ashton is in your party.)
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest.
    • What to pick:
      • Your powers might not be normal…
  • Ashton
    • Location: East part of Marze.
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton.
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest.
    • What to pick:
      • Both are equally strong.
  • Precis
    • Location: West part of Marze.
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis.
    • What to pick:
      • Machinery might turn out that way, too.
  • Leon and Noel
    • Location: West part of Marze.
    • Conditions: Recruited Leon and Noel.
    • What to pick:
      • Must… pet… cat ears!


  • Eleanor
    • Location: North of Harley
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman.
  • Eleanor #2
    • Location: Eleanor’s House
    • Conditions: Saw Eleanor’s Private Action in Linga. Then obtain the Metorx plant from Hoffman Ruin.
    • What to pick:
      • We need to take that chance.
  • Eleanor #3
    • Location: Eleanor’s House
    • Conditions: Completed Eleanor’s Private Action #2 in Harley with the 1st Choice.
  • The Runaway Girl
    • Location: Warehouse
    • Conditions: Choose the second option of the Runaway Girl Private Action in Lacuer.
    • What to pick:
      • 1st response


  • Clyde
    • Location: East of Hilton.
    • Conditions: Don’t have Celine in your party.
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, why not.
  • Young Boy
    • Location: East of Hilton.
    • Conditions:  Obtain the Pickpocketing specialty. Then pickpocket the boy whose father just died.
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
  • Celine and Leon
    • Location: Bar
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine and Leon, must be on friendly terms. 
    • What to pick:
      • You can do this, Leon!
  • Bowman and Leon
    • Location: Bar
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman and Leon. 
  • Celine and Rena
    • Location: Hilton Inn
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine, Welch, and Leon, must be on friendly terms. 
    • What to pick:
      • Charge in like a man.
  • Celine
    • Location: Hilton Inn
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine.
    • Responses have same effect


  • The Runaway Girl
    • Location: East part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: None
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • I’m getting tired. I’ll just leave her alone.
      • I can’t just leave her alone.
  • Ashton and Leon
    • Location: Town center. 
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and Leon. 
    • What to pick:
      • Sounds all right to me
  • Welch and Leon
    • Location: Town center. 
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch and Leon. 
    • What to pick:
      • See what happens.
  • Granny Morr
    • Location: West part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: None
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, I don’t mind.
  • Welch
    • Location: North part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: Recruited 4 People or More.
    • Deadline: Before finishing the Bowman Questline. 
    • What to pick:
      • Claude: Please join us.
  • Welch #2
    • Location: West part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch.
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • I need to stop Welch.
  • Ernest
    • Location: West part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera, Ernest, and Precis. 
    • What to pick:
      • Stop Precis.
      • For the last time, no!


  • Eleanor
    • Location: Academy Library
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman, saw Eleanor’s Private Action #1 in Harley.
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
  • Precis
    • Location: Precis’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis, and saw Precis’s Private Action in Salva.
    • What to pick:
      • No, thank you.
  • The Runaway Girl
    • Location: East part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: Choose the 1st option of the Runaway Girl Private Action in Lacuer.
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
  • Rena
    • Location: Academy Library
    • Conditions: None
  • Precis and Leon
    • Location: Academy Library
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis and Leon 
    • What to pick:
      • I think weapons are unnecessary.
  • Precis
    • Location: North or south of Linga.
    • Conditions: Bowman must not be in your party.
    • Deadline: Before meeting the King of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, why not.
  • Bowman
    • Location: Bowman’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman.
  • Ninay 
    • Location: Bowman’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman. Selected the second choice on Bowman Private action in Arlia
  • Shady Vendor
    • Location: North of Linga.
    • Conditions: Have 1980 FOL or more.
    • What to pick:
      • I think I’ll buy one.


  • Rena
    • Location:  Inn and Pub 2F
    • Conditions: Rena at 4 Max Hearts FP.
    • Deadline: Before defeating the four fiends.
    • What to pick:
      • What’s up, Rena?
      • The only thing you are is our friend, okay?
  • Opera
    • Location: Inn and Pub
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera but NOT Ernest
    • Deadline: Before defeating the four fiends.
    • What to pick:
      • I’m sure Ernest’s alive and well.
  • Noel
    • Location: Inn and Pub
    • Conditions: Recruited Noel
    • Deadline: Before going to the final dungeon.
    • What to pick:
      • It’s the same on my planet, Earth.
  • Leon and Chisato
    • Location: Nede Times Office
    • Conditions: Recruited Leon
    • What to pick:
      • Calm them both down.
  • Leon and Opera
    • Location: Inn and Pub
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera and Leon.
    • What to pick:
      • That’s not true!
  • Philia
    • Location: City Hall
    • Conditions: Seen the Private Action with Philia in Kurik.
  • North City Library
    • Location: Nede Times Office
    • Conditions: Recruited Chisato or show her the business card. Have spoken to Leifath in Princebridge.
  • North City Library #2
    • Location: Nede Times Office
    • Conditions: Completed the North City Library Private Action.

North City

  • Rena
    • Location:  Library
    • Conditions: None
  • Celine
    • Location:  Fortune Teller
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine.
    • Deadline: Before defeating the four fiends.
    • What to pick:
      • Sounds like fun!
      • Am I compatible with Celine?
  • Opera
    • Location:  North of town.
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera.
    • Deadline: Recruited Ernest.
    • What to pick:
      • You never miss anything until it’s gone.
  • Chisato
    • Location:  Item Shop 2F
    • Conditions: Recruited Chisato, have more than 4 Max Hearts.
    • What to pick:
      • I’m sorry I interrupted you guys.
  • Precis
    • Location:  Town Square.
    • Conditions: Visit the Final Dungeon entrance.
    • What to pick:
      • I guess so.
  • Welch and Ashton
    • Location:  Near the Food Store.
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch and Ashton.
  • Welch and Opera
    • Location:  Near the Library.
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch, Opera, and Ernest.


  • Ashton #1
    • Location:  Within Armlock
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton.
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, why not?
      • How about this Racing Heart?
  • Ashton #2
    • Location:  Within Armlock
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton. Saw Ashton Private Action #1 in Armlock and ordered the Racing Heart.
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, why not.
      • I’ll have whatever you’re having
  • Precis #1
    • Location:  Inn
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis
    • What to pick:
      • Precis.
  • Precis #2
    • Location: Mirage’s Lab
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis
    • Deadline: Before Fun City story arc.
    • What to pick:
      • That machine is called.
  • Leon
    • Location:  Mirage’s Lab
    • Conditions: Recruited Leon. After Defeating Metatron in Mirage’s Lab.
    • What to pick:
      • Are you feeling homesick?
  • Ernest and Leon
    • Location:  Pub
    • Conditions: Recruited Leon and Ernest
    • What to pick:
      • Me too!
  • Precis and Welch
    • Location: Mirage’s Lab
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis and Welch. Welch needs to know the Iron Fist ability (Level 37 Welch). 
  • Ernest and Welch
    • Location: Within Armlock.
    • Conditions: Recruited Ernest and Welch. 
    • What to pick:
      • I don’t it’s like that at all!


  • Ernest
    • Location:  University Classroom
    • Conditions: Recruited Ernest
    • What to pick:
      • Maybe I could take some tests, too.
  • Precis
    • Location: General Store
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis. After defeating the four fiends.
    • What to pick:
      • How about that 3-D Projector?
  • Noel
    • Location:  Noel’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Noel. Reach a sum of 5 Max Hearts with Noel.
    • Deadline: Before defeating the four fiends.
  • Chisato
    • Location:  Library
    • Conditions: Recruited Chisato. After defeating the four fiends.
  • Ernest
    • Location:  University
    • Conditions: Recruited Ernest.
  • School
    • Location:  University Classroom
    • Conditions: Recruited one of the following members, Leon, Bowman, Ernest, or Noel. Have 5 party members or more.
  • Hide and Seek
    • Location:  University Classroom
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis, saw her Private Action in Marze related to hide and seek. 
    • Reward: Finding Precis will give you a Nuclear Bomb.

Fun City

  • Rena
    • Location: Fortune Teller
    • Conditions: Claude and Rena have more than 4 Max Hearts .
    • What to pick:
      • I saw the whole thing.
      • You shouldn’t believe all that hocus-pocus.
  • Leon #1
    • Location: Bar
    • Conditions: Claude and Leon have more than 3 Max Hearts. Participated in the Cooking Master Contest.
    • What to pick:
      • (Relay the Info back)
  • Leon #2
    • Location: Fun City’s Battle Stadium
    • Conditions: Recruited Leon.
    • What to pick:
      • I’ll watch it till the end.
  • Welch
    • Location: Fun City’s Battle Stadium.
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch.
    • What to pick:
      • The one with the Fellpool guy on the cover!
  • Ashton and Leon
    • Location: Near the Cooking Stadium
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and Leon. Requires seeing Ashton and Leon’s Private Action in Lacuer.
  • Ashton and Precis
    • Location: Fun City’s Battle Stadium
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and Precis. Ashton and Precis have more than 3 Max Hearts. Ashton also needs to know the Sword Dance (Level 70) killer move. 
  • Welch
    • Location: Near the Cooking Stadium
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch.
    • What to pick:
      • Mediate the argument.
  • Marianna
    • Location: Find Marianna in the town center. 
    • Conditions: Defeated Metatron.

Rena’s Route Private Actions


  • Rena and Claude #1
    • Location: Near the Church
    • Conditions: None
    • Deadline: Must be done before staying at Krosse.
  • Rena and Claude #2
    • Location: Near the Church
    • Conditions: After visiting the King of Krosse. 
    • Deadline: Must be done before the Marze Story Arc. 
    • What to pick:
      • What about you, Claude?
  • Rena and Celine
    • Location: In the east part of town.
    • Conditions: After Celine joins the party.
    • Deadline: Must be done before the Marze Story Arc. 
  • Precis
    • Location: Mayor’s House
    • Conditions: After Precis joins the party.
  • Opera
    • Location: Mayor’s House
    • Conditions: After Opera joins the party.
    • What to pick:
      • Yes, I love jewelry.
      • Oh, wow, that would be great.
  • Ashton
    • Location: Item Shop
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and have 1000 FOL in your inventory.
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, let’s buy it!
  • Welch
    • Location: Bosman’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch
  • Bowman
    • Location: Newlyweds’ house
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman
    • What to pick:
      • By the way, what are you doing here?


  • Rena and Claude
    • Location: Talk to Claude on the north side of Salva
    • Conditions: After visiting the King of Krosse. 
    • Responses have same effect
  • Celine and Ashton
    • Location: Talk to Celine and Ashton in the Jewelry Store
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine and Ashton.
    • What to pick:
      • Yes, I like jewelry too.
      • I’ll go for a diamond. (Earring of Readiness)
      • Maybe a sapphire. (Aqua Ring)
      • An emerald. It’s my birthstone. (Emerald Ring)
  • Precis
    • Location: Jam Store
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis.
    • Responses have same effect
  • Bowman
    • Location: Jewelry Store
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman.
    • Responses have same effect
  • Dias
    • Location: Talk to Allen in his mansion.
    • Conditions: Recruited Dias.
    • Deadline: Before the end of the Lacuer Front Line Base story. 
    • What to pick:
      • Stop it.
  • Celine
    • Location: Talk to Celine in the Jam Store
    • Conditions: After Celine joins the party.
    • What to pick:
      • I can go look for her.
      • You shouldn’t give up so easily.
  • Opera
    • Location: South of Salva.
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera
    • What to pick:
      • Yeah, sounds fun.
      • Guess a woman


  • Claude and Rena
    • Location: South part of Krosse.
    • Conditions: After talking to the King of Krosse.  Have a sum of 4 hearts or more between your party members. 
    • Deadline: Must be done before the destruction of Kurik.
    • What to pick:
      • Yeah. It really is a model castle town.
  • Bowman
    • Location: Town Center
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman
    • Responses have same effect
  • Celine #1 
    • Location: Talk to Celine and Rena in the west part of Krosse.
    • Conditions: After talking to the King of Krosse.
    • Deadline: Before the Lacuer Armory Contest.
    • What to pick:
      • Yes, that sounds like fun.
      • How about if we pay for his bill?
  • Celine #2 
    • Location: Talk to Celine and Rena in the west part of Krosse.
    • Conditions: Saw the previous event and paid for Clyde’s bill.
    • Deadline: Before the Lacuer Armory Contest.
  • Celine #3 
    • Location: Talk to Celine and Rena in the east part of Krosse.
    • Conditions: Saw the previous event.
    • Deadline: Before the Lacuer Armory Contest.
    • Response
      • I will force you to see Clyde.
  • Dias and Noel
    • Location: Town Center
    • Conditions: Recruited Dias and Noel.
  • Ashton and Welch
    • Location: Talk to Celine and Rena in the east part of Krosse.
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and Welch.
    • What to pick:
      • I’d love to see it!


  • Prophet Philia
    • Location: Hear Philia’s rambling on the town center of Kurik.
    • Conditions: None.
    • Deadline: Must be done before Kurik is gone. 


  • Claude
    • Location: West part of Marze.
    • Conditions: After visiting Krosse. Must seen Claude’s Private Action in Salva.
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest. 
    • What to pick:
      • A dark sky full of twinkling stars.
  • Dias and Claude
    • Location: Marze.
    • Conditions: Recruited Dias.
  • Ernest
    • Location: Marze.
    • Conditions: Recruited Ernest. 
    • What to pick:
      • It’s alright.
  • Precis
    • Location: West part of Marze.
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest.
    • What to pick:
      • Next time, I promise.
  • Bowman
    • Location: Celine’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman, but don’t have Celine in your party.


  • Eleanor #1
    • Location: North of Harley, then follow Ashton. Leave town to end the Private Action.
    • Conditions: Recruited Aston.
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest. 
  • Eleanor #2
    • Location: Eleanor’s House
    • Conditions: Saw Eleanor’s Private Action #1 in Harley.
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest. 
  • Eleanor #3
    • Location: Eleanor’s House
    • Conditions: Saw Eleanor’s Private Action #2 in Harley.
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest. 
  • Opera
    • Location: North of Harley
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera, have Seventh Ray weapon in inventory
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest. 
  • Yoole
    • Location: Warehouse
    • Conditions: None
    • What to pick:
      • I’ve got to stop them.
  • Yoole #2
    • Location: Antique Shop
    • Conditions: Selected the first option in Yoole Private Action #1.
    • What to pick:
      • Win against Zandor


  • Claude
    • Location: Inn
    • Conditions: None.
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest.
  • Lost Girl
    • Location: West of Hilton.
    • Conditions: None
    • Deadline: Before entering the Lacuer Armory Contest. 
    • What to pick:
      • Help her find her mother. (Inside the Inn)
  • Celine 
    • Location: By the harbor. 
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine. Event varies from how you handle Celine’s Private Action #3 in Krosse.
    • What to pick:
      • I don’t think she’s with anybody.
  • Opera and Ernest 
    • Location: East part of Hilton
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera and Ernest
    • What to pick:
      • Right there.
  • Celine
    • Location: Hilton Inn
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine.
    • What to pick:
      • Um, sorry what?


  • Celine and Precis
    • Location: West part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine and Precis
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • Really? I think he looks pretty cool.
  • Welch and Dias
    • Location: East part of Lacuer 
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch and Dias.
    • What to pick:
      • This is getting kind of fun!
  • Granny Morr
    • Location: West part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: None
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, I don’t mind.
  • Welch
    • Location: North part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: Recruited 4 People or More.
    • Deadline: Before finishing the Bowman Questline. 
    • What to pick:
      • Rena: Please enlighten me with your wisdom.
  • Welch #2
    • Location: West part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch.
    • Deadline: After evacuating the citizens of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • I need to stop Welch.
  • Ernest
    • Location: West part of Lacuer.
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera, Ernest, and Precis.
    • What to pick:
      • Stop Precis.
      • For the last time, no!


  • Eleanor
    • Location: Precis’ House
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis and obtained the Energy Stone.
    • Deadline: Before meeting the King of Lacuer. 
  • Bowman #1
    • Location: Bowman’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman. Must have completed Bowman’s Private Action in Salva. 
  • Bowman #2
    • Location: Academy Library
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman.
    • What to pick:
      • Really!? Yes, definitely.
  • Precis
    • Location: Slighlt varies depending on your main protagonist. Can be the north or south of Linga.
    • Conditions: Bowman must not be in your party.
    • Deadline: Before meeting the King of Lacuer. 
    • What to pick:
      • Sure, why not.
  • Bowman
    • Location: Bowman’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman.
  • Ninay 
    • Location: Bowman’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Bowman. Selected the second choice on Bowman’s Private Action in Arlia.
  • Shady Vendor
    • Location: North of Linga.
    • Conditions: Have 1980 FOL or more.
    • What to pick:
      • I think I’ll buy one.


  • Claude
    • Location: South of Centropolis
    • Conditions: Visit the entrance of the final dungeon.
    • Deadline: Before clearing the final dungeon.
    • What to pick:
      • Go talk to him.
  • Noel
    • Location: Inn and Pub 5F
    • Conditions: Recruited Noel. Visit the entrance of the final dungeon.
    • ResponseBut towns are made for people, aren’t they?
  • Chisato
    • Location: Near the Food Store.
    • Conditions: Recruited Chisato.
    • What to pick:
      • Do you cook a lot?
  • Philia
    • Location: City Hall
    • Conditions: Seen the Private Action with Philia in Kurik.
  • North City Library
    • Location: Nede Times Office
    • Conditions: Recruited Chisato or show her the business card. Have spoken to Leifath in Princebridge.
  • North City Library #2
    • Location: Nede Times Office
    • Conditions: Completed the North City Library Private Action.

North City

  • Opera
    • Location:  North of town.
    • Conditions: Recruited Opera. Claude and Rena at a high affinity level. 
    • Deadline: Recruited Ernest and must be done before defeating the four fiends.
    • What to pick:
      • It’s not my business.
  • Noel and Ernest
    • Location:  Near the Library
    • Conditions: Recruited Noel and Ernest
    • What to pick:
      • Maybe it’s in your ancestry.
  • Precis
    • Location:  Town Square
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis, have more than 4 Max Hearts StaroceanHeartIcon.png with Precis.
    • Responses have same effect
  • Ashton and Chisato
    • Location:  General Store 2F
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and Chisato. Carry a Psynard in your inventory.
  • Dias
    • Location: Inn and Pub 2F
    • Conditions: Recruited Dias.
    • What to pick:
      • Wake Dias up.
  • Welch and Ashton
    • Location:  Near the Food Store.
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch and Ashton.
  • Welch and Opera
    • Location:  Near the Library.
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch, Opera, and Ernest.


  • Precis
    • Location: Mirage’s Lab
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis. After visiting the Symbological Weapons Lab.
    • Deadline: Before the Fun City story arc.
  • Claude and Dias
    • Location:  Mirage’s Lab
    • Conditions: Recruited Dias. Have Dias and Claude at 4 Maxed Hearts.
    • What to pick:
      • Maybe I should stay a bit longer. 
  • Precis and Welch
    • Location: Mirage’s Lab
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis and Welch. Welch needs to know the Iron Fist ability (Level 37 Welch). 
  • Ernest and Welch
    • Location: Within Armlock.
    • Conditions: Recruited Ernest and Welch. 
    • What to pick:
      • I don’t it’s like that at all!


  • Claude
    • Location:  University
    • Conditions: Claude and Rena have more than 4 Max Hearts.
    • What to pick:
      • talk to Claude again
  • Dias and Ernest
    • Location: Town Square
    • Conditions: Recruited Dias and Ernest.
    • What to pick:
      • (I feel like…a queen.)
  • Ashton
    • Location: Town Square
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton. Visit the Final Dungeon entrance.
    • What to pick:
      • No, I don’t really go for horoscopes.
  • Noel
    • Location:  Noel’s House
    • Conditions: Recruited Noel. Reach a sum of 5 Max Hearts with Noel.
    • Deadline: Before defeating the four fiends.
  • Chisato
    • Location:  Library
    • Conditions: Recruited Chisato. After defeating the four fiends.
  • Ernest
    • Location:  University
    • Conditions: Recruited Ernest.
  • School
    • Location:  University Classroom
    • Conditions: Recruited one of the following members, Leon, Bowman, Ernest, or Noel. Have 5 party members or more.
  • Hide and Seek
    • Location:  University Classroom
    • Conditions: Recruited Precis, saw her Private action in Marze related to hide and seek. 
    • Reward: Finding Precis will give you a Nuclear Bomb.

Fun City

  • Celine
    • Location: Fun City’s Battle Stadium
    • Conditions: Recruited Celine. Claude and Rena have more than 4 Max Hearts. Celine needs to know the Compounding Speciality. 
    • What to pick:
      • I’ll go after Celine.
  • Dias
    • Location: Fun City’s Battle Stadium
    • Conditions: Recruited Dias. After the Lacuer confession event. 
    • What to pick:
      • Claude! (Dias -, Claude +)
      • Dias! (Claude -, Dias +)
  • Ashton and Precis
    • Location: Fun City’s Battle Stadium
    • Conditions: Recruited Ashton and Precis. Ashton and Precis have more than 3 Max Hearts. Ashton also needs to know the Sword Dance (Level 70) killer move. 
  • Welch
    • Location: Near the Cooking Stadium
    • Conditions: Recruited Welch.
    • What to pick:
      • Mediate the argument.
  • Marianna
    • Location: Find Marianna in the town center. 
    • Conditions: Defeated Metatron.