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Top 10 Competitive Pokémon in Sword & Shield and How To Play them
Here are the top 10 Competitive Pokémon for Sword & Shield that currently define the metagame and will have a huge impact on how to build your team for ranked battle. Before you build your team, check on how to properly breed your competitive Pokémon and learn how to raise their EV. And...

Advanced Breeding Guide for Pokémon Sword and Shield
If you are here you probably already know about the very basics of breeding your Pokémon, like where to do it and how to do it quickly. If you don’t, you can find an easy starting guide here. But there can be more to it than just multiplying a Pokémon. Advanced Breeding tips This article will...

Simple Shiny Breeding Guide for Pokémon Sword and Shield
When it comes to getting shiny Pokémon, there are two main ways to get them. Either finding them in the wild or by breeding. If you want to know more about breeding in general, you can find a basic Easy Breeding Guide, an Advanced Breeding Guide and a Competitive Breeding Guide...