Posted 20-08-2019
179 – Hail The Higgledy Heroes
- Location: Hydropolis
- Rewards: 12000 Exp, 65000 KG, Hero’s Delight x3
- Solution: Create 4 Higgledies in your Kingdom’s Higglery
- Grabe the Glowering
- Tender Tripe (Calmlands, Heartlands, Chirpy Ranch, Everyday General Store)
- Chunky Meat (Makronos, Forest of Niall, Lively Ranch, Everyday General Store)
- Twisty Bone (Leucippes’ Labyrinth, Pinwheel Flats, Swift Solutions, Hunting Lodge No. 2)
- Sunset Prism (Swift Solutions, Mining Camp No. 2, Mining Camp No. 5)
- Mumbian the Mover
- Whirlpool Shell (Near Water, Swift Solutions, Fresher Fish Market, Everyday General Store)
- Waveskipper Shell (Right Bright Beacon, Near Water, Swift Solutions, Fresh Fish Market)
- Coral Huebloom (Rolling Hills, Cloudcoil Canyon, Minor Market Garden, Everyday General Store)
- Ice Prism (Swift Solutions, Mining Camp No. 3, Mining Camp No. 4, Mining Camp No. 5)
- Calooh the Carabinier
- Grass-Green Thread (Rolling Hills, Swift Solutions, Thriving Bazaar, Everyday General Store)
- Slate-Grey Thread (Pinwheel Flats, Factory Floors, Swift Solutions, Humbl Bazaar)
- Seraphic Silk (Jack Frost’s Playground, Freezybones Cave, Thriving Bazaar, Swift Solutions)
- Ice Prism (Swift Solutions, Mining Camp No. 3, Mining Camp No. 4, Mining Camp No. 5)
- Coronach the Cranky
- Lovely Wool (Drylands, Swift Solutions, Thriving Bazaar, Everyday General Store)
- Snuggly Wool (Pinwheel Flats, Factory Floors, Swift Solutions, Humble Bazaar)
- Rugged Spud (Drylands, Crackskin Cavern, Fertile Farm, Flourishing Farm)
- Sunset Prism (Swift Solutions, Mining Camp No. 2, Mining Camp No. 5)
- Grabe the Glowering
[Ni No Kuni 2] Side Quest 179 - Hail the Higgledy Heroes