Astral Chain – Lappy’s Ultra Quiz Answers

During File 08 in Astral Chain you can find Lappy running around. If you catch him you activate the Red Case Lappy’s Ultra Quiz. These answers to Lappy’s Ultra Quiz should help you reach the target score of 40.

Which one of these is NOT a real X-Baton configuration?
Axe Mode

Everyone knows that chimeras are our archenemies, but where do they come from?
The Astral Plane

What’s the name of the AI-equipped vending machine in Police HQ?

Boy, that Shizu sure is interesting, huh? Do you remember what her hobby is?
Studying the occult

Here we are, in lovely Central City! But what’s the official number of this zone?
Zone 36

I sure hope you get this one, partner. How old are you?

What was the defining detail of the culprit that smashed the bridge in your very first official Neuron mission?
Giant hands!

How would you describe your fellow officer Leona?
A worrywart

What’s the name of the ice cream stand located at the Harmony Square intersection?

How is Captain Max Howard related to you and Akira?

What’s the full name of our dear old Neuron commander?
Dr. Yoseph Calvert

What’s the full name of Neuron’s chief medical officer?
Brenda Moreno

What’s the name of the old residential area where Captain Max watched over stray cats?
Maison Forest

Only one of these is a real store on the Ark. Which one is it?

Brenda’s hair is blue, but what color are her eyes?

Li Fang is a woman of few words, but tells everyone she meets about her favorite food. What is it?

What’s the name of the one-of-a-kind vending machine you can find in Sector V?

What floor of Police HQ holds the Neuron command room?

When you went to visit Akira in the ARI, how many holo-receptionists did they have working the desk?

Commander Yoseph sure keeps an eye on things! How many monitors does he have on his desk?

How old is Alicia Lopez?

This one tests your IRIS look-up skills! Which of these people weighs the least?

Now let’s see how well you REALLY know Olive! What’s her blood type, partner?

Hey remember when Akira caught you in Zone 09? Which Neuron holding cell did they put you in after that?
The second-closest

What’s the name of the circular plaza at the top of Ark Mall – You know, where you fought the homunculus?
Azure Plaza

Which of these Neuron officers sees you as their rival, and is always up for a little competition?

What year is it right now, partner?

What’s Jin’s X-Baton mode of choice?

You were out and about on a case in Central City last night. Which of these landmarks is NOT in Central City?
Lion Statue

What’s your pal Lappy’s job?
Ambassador of smiles

What did our beloved dispatcher Olive do for a living before she joined Neuron?
She was a newscaster

Which of the following best describes how your Neuron pal Sarah talks?

What do we call it when a person gets too corrupted and becomes an aberration?

What’s the name of the allied government that people formed when they first moved on to the Ark?

What color was the stray cat that Marie found?

What was the name of that skinny guy who was supplying Blue Evolve to the Hermits in Sector V?

Which of the following is NOT true about our number one foe, Jena Anderson?
She has a ponytail

Which of the following Neuron officers DIDN’T get wrapped up in those sticky tentacles at Ark Mall?

What does your fellow Neuron officer Mike love more than anything else?

What was the date when construction finally finished on the Ark?

Think back to the day you first got your Legion! You helped get an injured person to safety. Who were they?
A civilian

What’s the most popular comfort food among the Uppers in Sector V?

When she’s not out in the field, you can usually find Avery near Vendor-3! What’s her pick-me-up of choice?

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