Hierophant Confidant Guide – Persona 5 Royal (Sojiro Sakura)

Persona 5 Royal Guides
Persona 5 Royal Guides
Persona 5 Royal Hierophant Confidant Sojiro Sakura

Hierophant Confidant Benefits in Persona 5 Royal:

2Coffee BasicsAllows you to make coffee which slightly restores SP to one ally.
4Leblanc CurryAllows you to make curry that slightly restores SP to all allies.
6Coffee MasteryAllows you to make coffee which greatly restores SP to one ally.
9Curry TipsAllows you to make curry that moderately restores SP to all allies.
MAXCurry MasterAllows you to make curry that greatly restores SP to all allies.
Hierophant Confidant Dialogue Guide (Sojiro Sakura) - Persona 5 Royal

Rank 1

Equip a Hierophant Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant in Persona 5 Royal.

Last ResponseGot it. +3That was our deal. +1It’s the least I can do. +1

Rank 2

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Response 1Making coffee. +1Hitting on girls. +0No idea. +0
Response 2Who was he? +0That guy seemed suspicious. +1Who’s the “her” he mentioned? +0
Response 3I want the ladies to love me. +1I don’t care about that stuff. +0
Response 4Got It. +1Give me a break. +0Why’d you call my cell? +0

Rank 3

Equip a Hierophant Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant in Persona 5 Royal.

Response 1Medium-fine. +1Coarse. +0Anything goes. +0
Response 2Is it a date? +0Is it trouble?? +1You don’t want my help anymore? +0
Response 3I’m ready to work. +1Go easy on me. +0Thank you in advance. +1

Rank 4

Equip a Hierophant Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant in Persona 5 Royal.

Response 1Tell me more. +2That sounds tough… +0It all tastes the same to me. +0
Response 2Run for help +0Call Sojiro’s phone +2Kick the man out +0
Response 3Understood. +1I’m kind of nervous… +0I’ll kick him out. +0

Rank 5

Hierophant Persona will not give you an additional point for this Confidant.

Response 1It wasn’t bad. +2Nothing special. +0I think I’m addicted! +3
Response 2She was like Futaba? +2She wasn’t normal, huh? +3So that’s why you’re a bachelor? +0
Response 3It really paid off in the end. +2Almost brings a tear to my eye. +0So much history… +0
Response 4Sounds good to me. +0She needs a balanced diet. +2There’s always instant noodles. +0

Rank 6

Hierophant Persona will not give you an additional point for this Confidant.

Response 1I admire it. +0I’m not impressed. +0To each his own. +2
Response 2You’re wrong. +2I’m sorry. +0Shut your mouth. +3
Response 3Saving Futaba was no mistake. +2Just cut your ties with him. +0
Response 4Is she okay? +0Try to relax. +0If I can help somehow… +2

Rank 7

Equip a Hierophant Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant in Persona 5 Royal.

Response 1You might be right. +2That’s not true. +0They’re still delicious. +0
Response 2Are you alright? +0Have you calmed down? +0Do you want to talk? +0
Response 3Let’s talk to him. +0You should tell him that. +0You guys are one awkward duo. +0
Response 4I’m truly glad. +0You’re welcome. +0Feel like a real dad now? +2

Rank 8

Equip a Hierophant Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant in Persona 5 Royal.

Response 1You want my suggestion? +1Something with curry. +3I can’t decide! +0
Response 2I didn’t do anything wrong. +0I was just protecting Futaba. +2Sorry. +0

Rank 9

Equip a Hierophant Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant in Persona 5 Royal (except for Response 3)

Response 1It’s great. +3He’s a bit of a nag. +2
Response 2Are you crying? +0You have a great daughter. +3Congrats. +3
Response 3You did great. +2Futaba did great. +2You two were already family. +2

Rank 10

Equip a Hierophant Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant in Persona 5 Royal.

Response 1Good for you. +2Thank you. +3
Persona 5 Royal Guides
Persona 5 Royal Guides

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