Lucky Spot 1 – Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore
>>>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore Guides
Lucky Spot 1 is a request In Tokyo Mirage Session #FE Encore for the Nintendo Switch. It is unlocked in Chapter 1 and has no time limit. It unlocks a series of other Lucky Spot requests.
Lucky Spot 1 Guide
Daitama Observatory

Teleport to Daitama Observatory and talk to Urabe Kanae. She will see a treasure in Illusory Daitama. Enter Illusory Daitama and follow the path. Right after you rode the elevator to the lower level you will see a sparkling item on the ground.

Check it to obtain a Treasure Key and return to Kanae. For completing the request you will get a Kiddie Candy and unlock the play Record Lucky Spot 1.