Star Confidant Guide – Persona 5 Royal (Hifumi Togo)

Persona 5 Royal Guides
Persona 5 Royal Guides
Persona 5 Royal Hifumi Togo Star Confidant

Star Confidant Benefits in Persona 5 Royal:

1Koma SabakiAllows you to swap current party with backup members during Joker’s turn.
3UchikomiChance for a follow-up by a backup member if Joker downs an enemy.
5Kakoi KuzushiAllows you to attempt to escape, even when surrounded by the enemy.
7NarikinEarn double money if a battle is won in 1 turn after a successful ambush.
9TouryouDecreases turn delay to zero, allowing you to instantly escape battle.
MAXRogo SystemAllows you to swap current party with backup members during anyone’s turn.

Rank 1

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Last ResponseSure. +1I guess we can. +1 Lucky me. +2

Rank 2

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Response 1That’s interesting. +1I like that attitude change. +0It’s a bit scary. +0
Response 2Have confidence in yourself. +0Don’t worry about them. +0
Response 3When is it coming out? +0You’re, like, an idol. +0But you don’t want to, right? +1

Rank 3

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Response 1Describes you perfectly. +1No, I didn’t. +0That’s quite the headline. +0
Response 2You don’t enjoy it? +0Having a difficult time? +1You should just decline. +0
Response 3Bring it on. +1Don’t worry about it. +0This is part of our deal too. +0

Rank 4

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Response 1I don’t mind. +1She has a bad vibe. +0Must’ve been the katsu curry. +1
Response 2They’re ridiculous. +0They’re cool. +1Never heard of them. +0
Response 3I’d love to. +1If our schedules match up. +0Where shall we go next? +1

Rank 5

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Response 1You’re not allowed to date? +0She’s scary. +1Accomplish things? +0
Response 2You don’t like the attention? +0You should stop then. +1Have you told your mother? +0
Response 3No worries. +0You’ve got a lot to deal with… +1Why do you have to apologize? +0

Rank 6

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Response 1You’ll be famous. +0Is that frustrating? +1The media is scary. +0
Response 2Do you still like shogi? +1Is that what you want to do? +0Do what you love. +1
Response 3You think so? +0You’re imagining things. +1Confess your sins, my child. +0

Rank 7

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Response 1That’s almost a relief. +1Don’t let your guard down. +0It may come down to luck. +2
Response 2Give it your all. +1I believe in you. +2Idols are cool too. +0


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Response 1What do you mean? +0I don’t understand. +0
Response 2That won’t work. +1That’s a great strategy. +0Do you intend to lose? +0
Response 3Let’s make her reconsider. +0Let’s do something about it. +0
Response 4What’s your mother’s name? +0Tell me her name. +0

Rank 8

Equip a Star Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant.

Response 1Maybe… +1You’re overthinking it. +0I’m glad her heart changed. +2
Response 2Lose what? +0What’re you talking about? +0
Response 3I support it. +1You should really rethink this. +0It’s certainly admirable. +0

Rank 9

Equip a Star Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant.

Response 1Give it all you go. +1Do you feel confident? +0You can do it. +0
Response 2It was a good effort. +0You’ll win next time. +0A very queenly decision. +2
Response 3I want to become stronger. +0 > No RomanceI want to stay by your side. +0 > Response 4
Response 4I want us to date. +0 > RomanceWe’ll be friends forever. +0 > No Romance
RomanceAnything for you. +1It was all a big coincidence. +1It was love at first sight. +1
No RomanceThat’s a great way to see it. +1You’re overthinking it. +1Let’s win the next one. +1

Rank Max (No Romance)

Equip a Star Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant.

Response 1That’s rough. +1You’ll triumph in the end. +2Just don’t lose. +3
Response 2 I believe in you. +0I’ll be with you. +0
Response 3So you know. +0What do you mean? +0We do. +0
Response 4Thank you. +0That’s reassuring. +0

Rank Max (Romance)

Equip a Star Persona to receive an additional point for this Confidant.

Response 1That’s rough. +2You’ll triumph in the end. +2Just don’t lose. +3
Response 2You can do it. +0That’s reassuring. +0
Response 3So you know. +0What do you mean? +0We do. +0
Response 4Thank you. +0That’s reassuring. +0
Response 5What’s wrong? +0Are you nervous? +0
Persona 5 Royal Guides
Persona 5 Royal Guides

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