Rat Problem Quest Guide – Final Fantasy 7 Remake

In Chapter 3 you unlock several Quests in the Sector 7 Slums. To unlock the Rat Problem Side Quest you have to progress the story to a certain point in Final Fantasy VII Remake. It is Side Quest 2 in the Quest overview and can only be done during Chapter 3.
Rat Problem Guide
Quest Giver
Talk to the Item Store Owner in the northwestern part of the Sector 7 Slums in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. He will tell you about a problem with Doomrats and asks you to get rid of them.
Killing Wererats

Go to the destination and kill all Wererats. There are no Doomrats at this location the Item Shop Owner gave you. Tifa will suggest to get back to the Item Shop Owner, so get back to him.
Killing Doomrats
After talking to the Item Show Owner Doomrats will spawn at the destination you previously checked and only found Wererats. Doomrats are variants of normal monsters so they will help you complete Battle Intel Reports.
After you killed all Doomrats you can teleport back to the Item Shop Owner. Talk to him and he will give you Hi-Potions x5. Don’t forget to buy his Music Disc which is only available in Chapter 3 after you complete the Quest Rat Problem.
To finish the rest of the Quests in Chapter 3 check out our Final Fantasy 7 Remake Guides.