Weapons on a Rampage Quest Guide – Final Fantasy 7 Remake

In Chapter 8 you unlock several Quests in the Sector 5 Slums. One of those quests is Weapons on the Rampage which can only be done during Chapter 8 in Final Fantasy VII Remake. It is Side Quest 9 in the Quest overview.
Weapons on a Rampage Guide
Quest Giver
Exit the Sector 5 Slums north and you will meet a Scared Man who will ask you to defeat some monsters in the Scrapyard Back Alley.
Killing the Weapons on a Rampage
There are two spots in the Scrapyard Back Alley where you have to fight Mark II Monodrives a variant Monster which helps you complete some Battle Intel Reports. The Mark II Monodrives will sometimes cast a shield on themselves. If you spot one cast either fire, lightning, ice or preferably wind magic on them to dispel their physical resistance.

Teleport back to the Weapons on a Rampage Quest Giver and he will give you a Pair of protective Boots. Finishing this quest also unlocks the Paying Respects Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
To finish the rest of the Quests in Chapter 8 check out our Final Fantasy 7 Remake Guides.