Nuisance in the Factory Quest Guide – Final Fantasy 7 Remake

In Chapter 3 you unlock several Quests in the Sector 7 Slums. You unlock the Nuisance in the Factory Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Remake through story progression. It is Side Quest 3 in the Quest overview and can only be done during Chapter 3.
Nuisance in the Factory Guide
Quest Giver
Talk to the Junk Dealer behind the Seven Heaven Bar in the Sector 7 Slums. He will ask you to clear the Factory to the southeast of Drake enemies.
Drake Locations
Enter the Factory and make your way to the buildings in the north. In each building you will have to fight a small group of Drakes. Most of the time the Drakes will fly above the area so switch to Tifa to have an easier time hitting them. If you have the wind materia from finishing Battle Intel Reports use it to make the fight easier. Don’t forget to use the Assess Materia on the Drakes for the Battle Intel Reports.

As a reward for completing Nuisance in the Factory Quest in Final Fantasy VII Remake the Junk Dealer will give you 500 Gil. This will also unlock Quest 6 Just Flew In from the Graveyard
To finish the rest of the Quests in Chapter 3 check out our Final Fantasy 7 Remake Guides.